where and when “the decisive improvement” –

In recent days the weather reports have recorded a real change. After a taste of summer, in fact, the cold returned and precipitation dominated the forecast. Live from the studio of L’aria che tira, the politics and current affairs program hosted by David Parenzo, Paolo Sottocorona updated all viewers. “An arc crosses central Italy and then reaches the Tyrrhenian Sea. This is a second disturbance. It has also brought intense phenomena and for today the bad weather was expected to stop on the Tyrrhenian side”, he began.

Rain over the weekend or end of the nightmare?  Sottocorona and the weather forecast

Instead, “it has already reached the coasts of the Adriatic and then the entire North. From the North-West to the North-East there is this band of very intense phenomena. More attenuated in the South”, he explained. More bad weather tomorrow, “but rather attenuated because in the North the phenomena improve or in any case attenuate in many areas”. The weather, however, will remain “uncertain with moderate rainfall at most”. On Saturday, then, “a marked improvement across the entire Central-South and still some uncertainty in the North”. On Sunday “weather still stable in most regions”, explained the meteorologist. The situation is “definitely better and temperatures tend to rise towards more spring-like values”, concluded the expert.

#decisive #improvement #Tempo
2024-05-05 17:33:38



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