Maximos’ strategy for the European elections 2024-05-05 14:55:34

Maximou is entering the final stretch for the European elections by promoting the need for political stability in the country, which is a condition for there not to be a “backsliding” in its development path. At the same time, the importance of convergence with Europe is emphasized, so that the structural problems of the state, as well as the daily life of the citizens, can be dealt with more effectively.


The central slogan of the N.D. it also raises the political stakes of stability and at the same time describes the prime minister’s vision for a series of structural reforms with the aim of the Greek state, through Europe, becoming a European state by the end of the four-year period. The campaign of N.D. it is obvious that he recognizes as a real and real opponent only the problems of everyday life and the modernization of the state. The moment he turns his back on the politically dead narrative of the “Kasselakis party” regarding the referendum nature of the European elections. But also in the political rumors regarding “radical upheaval” and “the fall of the government”, which fluctuate day following day, from the lead in the European elections to 17%.

N.D. seeks to bring public dialogue back to reality and its problems, clearing the landscape of fake news, conspiracy theory, hypocrisy and the cynical trade in human suffering.

In M. Maximos, they consider SYRIZA’s attitude towards the provocative decision on Mati to be inappropriate. Other executives of Koumundourou celebrated, others falsified the facts in order to get rid of the wrath of the Criminal Code that changed overnight in 2019 and no one showed the slightest sensitivity for the relatives of the 104 victims and 60 burns, left behind by the greatest tragedy that has ever lived the country. It is no coincidence that there were also government officials, who said that the tragedy was not properly instrumentalized and that the Justice system was properly and institutionally allowed to do its work, but – as was said – we may have allowed the “real mess” and the cover-up of the politicians and possibly of the criminal responsibilities of political figures of the SYRIZA-AN.EL government. Meteors remain e.g. the answers, if a pre-investigation committee was not properly constituted in 2019.


According to information, the final campaign of the N.D. it was formed following Megaros Maximos made sure that the target of 33%+ is absolutely feasible. And this resulted both from successive well-known and unknown opinion polls and from the obvious rallying of the electoral base. This certainty is supported by the fact that St. Kasselakis and his party may be ahead of PASOK in second place, but they are not benefiting in the slightest from the government corruption.

It is characteristic that one of the most important findings of the measurements is that approximately 4 out of 5 undecided voters, who in 2023 voted for the National Democratic Party, move strictly in the triangle of the National Democratic Party-PASOK-Democrats of A. Loverdos. Any “reinforcement” of SYRIZA comes from the apolitical and lumpen anti-systemic “publics” addressed by the theatrical St. Kasselakis.

At the same time, following bridging the rift with the Church, the upward trajectory of the “merchant of faith” K. Velopoulos appears to be halting and reversing. It is still unclear what is happening with Niki, who receives the undivided support of para-church circles, but also 16 monasteries of Mount Athos.

Works, reforms and battle with precision

In any case, the ND, with clear certainty, is expected to unfold its reform policy, with new changes in the burning issues of Health, Education, security and demographics. It is also expected to continue to present infrastructure projects, ready or to be completed, which will also be the answer to the 10 billion euros per week that the SYRIZA president is announcing for free.

Where, as they say in M. Maximou, “we are constantly on top” is accuracy. The new measures implemented by the Ministry of Development are already starting to pay off, in the first phase with the containment of the rise in prices, but also the de-escalation in several products. While the new and improved version of presented by K. Skrekas creates expectations, as each consumer will be able to create their own basket, seeing in real time which supermarket in their area has the best prices for the specific and same products he is looking for.

The tours of Mitsotakis and ministers

The 12 ministers, who have taken charge of the 12 regions, are expected to settle in them immediately following Easter, along with ranks of MPs and party officials. Mr. Mitsotakis will tour a large part of the territory (on Thursday he will go to Chios, also signaling vigilance for migration flows, a topic that occupied the last meeting of KYSEA), but he will also visit many neighborhoods of Attica. According to information, strict orders have been given to ministers and especially to MPs to be very careful in their public speech, in order to avoid controversial statements, such as those of D. Vartzopoulos or G. Kallianos, which can become fodder for the “montagerie” » of the basements and tunnels of Koumoundourou.


The debate requested by SYRIZA will not take place, but a more important debate will take place in Parliament. K. Mitsotakis will take part in the pre-order debate that will take place in the Parliament, following a relevant request from SYRIZA, to be precise. According to information, the debate is expected to take on a full-blown character, with the prime minister deconstructing the gratuitous and populist statements, mainly by St. Kasselakis, but also of N. Androulakis, which come directly from the… left trees.

#Maximos #strategy #European #elections



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