Asunción, IP Agency.- Within the framework of the Itaipu Annex C negotiations, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Javier Giménez, highlighted that the strategic use of energy, the diversification of the energy matrix and the promotion of renewable energies are key aspects that must be considered. in the industrialization strategy to guarantee equitable and sustainable economic growth.
The head of Industry and Commerce said that there is a connection between the binational’s energy and the country’s industrialization plan, since the former is a fundamental factor for national economic development, as well as for long-term sustainability.
He explained that the country’s industrialization plan is based on the efficient use of hydroelectric energy. “Paraguay has to use 50% of the energy that corresponds to it. It has to make use, it has to install industries, it has to create maneuvers, it has to create development,” Giménez expressed in a radio interview.
He highlighted an ambitious vision for the future in which Paraguay will not only use its own energy, but will also seek to become a buyer of energy from Brazil. This strategy is based on the fact that Itaipu represents only 8% of Brazil’s energy capacity, which offers opportunities for greater energy cooperation between both countries.
He also emphasized the need to diversify energy sources and promote the use of renewable technologies, such as solar. “Paraguay, with its abundant resource of sunlight, has the potential to become a regional leader in this field,” he noted.
He noted that the president, Santiago Peña, is committed to promoting industrial policies that fully take advantage of the country’s energy potential, in line with a vision of lasting economic development.
#MIC #highlights #importance #Itaipú #energy #industrialization #Paraguay
2024-05-04 14:19:10