“Silence” from SYRIZA for Mati 2024-05-04 13:03:23

The only thing that did not reach Koumoundourou yesterday was the news of the announcement of the sentences for Mati and the cries of the relatives of the 104 victims of the unspeakable tragedy of 2018. They saw nothing, heard nothing, read nothing in SYRIZA regarding the judges’ decision for the Eye. While, at the same time, they shout regarding the tragedy of Tempe. And let everyone talk since yesterday regarding at least disproportionate sentences in relation to the magnitude of the tragedy, almost insulting to the relatives of the victims, six years later.

SYRIZA, which for months (and rightly) spoiled the world for the Tempe tragedy, which is still under investigation by the Justice, did not find a word to say regarding the court decision declaring 15 innocent and 6 guilty with redeemable sentences for the tragedy in Mati.

Declaration of Douro

And so as yesterday’s only reaction from SYRIZA, only the statement of Rena Dourou was left because where, as she said, her political opponents attempted her political and moral extermination, the Justice unanimously found her innocent. “No process can turn back time, heal the wounds, erase the event that deeply marked my own life. And that’s why we all have to express our dismay,” said Ms. Dourou. As Mrs. Dourou stated, among other things, she is returning steeled to make Greece the country we deserve…

The KKE spoke of a “decision that leaves high-ranking and politically responsible people defenseless”, noting that “the court’s decision on Mati rightly provokes the anger of the relatives of the victims and the residents”.

The relatives of the victims in Mati, as well as those who suffered losses of any kind, received the gratuitous shot today. The communication atrocities of the government at the time and the development of the case since then until today, that is, six years later, only fill the survivors, the relatives of the victims, and all Greeks with bitterness and disappointment. Pity!” said the president of the Democrats, Andreas Loverdos.

#Silence #SYRIZA #Mati



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