Monthly payment starts today 2024-05-03 23:09:06

From 2025, fines for late payment of vehicle registration fees will be escalating.

The aim is not to double the amount of fees owed from the very first day of delay in paying them, with the addition of a fine equal to 100% of the fees, as is done today, but to increase the fees, due to delay, to escalate according to time which passes following the payment deadline and reaches the level of 100% following 3 months of delay.

The Minister of National Economy and Finances, K. Hatzidakis, pointed out that from 2025 the fine for late payment of traffic fees will not be double from the very first day of late payment, but will be escalating, depending on the time of the delay their payment.

More specifically, as every year, it is possible to lift the immobility of a passenger car or motorcycle for private use for 2024 as well, with a proportional payment of the annual traffic fees corresponding to the months of traffic of the vehicle. For example, if a car owner with an annual road tax of 300 euros immobilizes his vehicle for a period of 4 months, he will pay 100 euros.

Traffic fees: When does the process start, how much will we pay?

It is noted that, when the period of movement for which the fees have been paid expires, the owner must immobilize the vehicle once more. Failure to do so will result in a fine equal to twice the annual traffic charges, minus twice the amount of proportional traffic charges already paid.

Furthermore, the possibility is provided to owners of vehicles that are in a state of forced immobility due to force majeure, as long as the reason for this immobility is removed within 2024, to pay traffic fees proportionally for the remaining months until the end of this year and not the whole of annual traffic fees.

It is underlined that for the calculation of traffic fees in case of lifting of immobility, the shortest period is defined as one month.

#Monthly #payment #starts #today



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