Thousands are victims of state violence, says AI

Thousands are victims of state violence, says AI

MEXICO CITY (EFE).— The executive director of Amnesty International (AI) Mexico, Edith Olivares, identified yesterday Wednesday “strong challenges” for the country this year in terms of human rights, because, among other problems, “thousands of people ” suffer “state violence.”

“2024 comes with strong challenges in terms of human rights for our country. Thousands of people continue to be victims of violence by the State and criminal groups,” he revealed at a press conference to present the report “The current situation of human rights in Mexico” in 2023.

In it, the organization warned that “human rights are violated” daily and in different areas.

“Every day people are disappeared, women who are looking for their relatives are attacked and threatened, around 10 women are murdered daily,” denounced Edith Olivares.

In fact, he assured that the Mexican Government “continues to have a great debt” with women, especially in guaranteeing access to “a life free of violence,” because, among other situations, there are “high numbers” of femicides and authorities denote “lack of diligence” in the investigation of these crimes.

Likewise, he pointed out that human rights defenders and journalists “are attacked and threatened” for carrying out their work in a climate of “inequality, corruption and impunity.”

For her part, Bibiana Mendoza, a member of the group of searchers Hasta Buscarte, accused the State of giving “increasingly inhuman and indolent” responses to their complaints, for which she warned of a “totally dark panorama” on this issue.

In fact, the AI ​​report explains that, in 2023, those searching for their missing relatives were exposing themselves to “serious dangers”, such as repression, threats or kidnappings.

“We went out to do the work that they didn’t do, and what was the response from the authorities? Invent a census that once once more disappeared our missing relatives, which says that my brother Manuel is not missing,” stated Bibiana Mendoza.

On the other hand, Edith Olivares warned that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has not received Amnesty International during his six-year term, “one of the only” American leaders who has not done so.

“Our daily bread are attacks on civil society organizations, journalists and, practically, any person (…) who dissents, even minimally, from government decisions,” he denounced.

“Strong setback”

In addition, it detected that, since 2018, Mexico has experienced “a strong setback in terms of civic space”, also due to the lack of attention to the organizations’ requests.

“We hope that the person who becomes President of the Republic at the end of this year receives AI,” Edith Olivares hoped, and demanded that the authorities, among other measures, develop a “comprehensive policy for preventing attacks” towards journalists and activists.

With this x-ray in hand, Bibiana Mendoza blamed public officials for having “failed” her group and the social struggles, although she appealed to citizens, also with an eye on the June 2 elections, to “demand” the State some guarantees to exercise activism.

Take a look

AMLO accuses the United States

After the United States Department of State showed concern regarding the attacks on the Judiciary of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in its 2023 Annual Report on Human Rights, the President accused the US government of meddling in internal affairs and flagrantly violating international law , the independence and sovereignty of the people. In this sense, the President accused the US government of being “stagnant, ossified and in decline.”

US government responds

In response, the United States said yesterday that the report does not violate international law, unlike what López Obrador maintains, who denounced a “flagrant” violation of international laws. “The report is not a violation of international law, it is a compilation of entries made from credible information from media outlets, government agencies, civil society actors, embassies and consulates,” said the deputy spokesperson for the State Department. , Vedant Patel.

#Thousands #victims #state #violence
2024-05-03 11:32:21



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