Geocaching is a sport-hobby of discovering “hidden treasure”, which in recent decades has been a highly developed international outdoor activity, as it combines adventure and fun with exploring the area where it takes place.
For this reason, the EOT Service of Germany and the Municipality of Central Corfu and the Diapontian Islands organized from April 15 to 22 a press trip to the island of Faiakon for the journalist-editor and the photographer of the specialized German magazine “Geocaching” .
The German guests explored Corfu in order to identify suitable spots where the particular game can be held, hide objects to be discovered and gather material for the writing of a 10-page feature, which will be published in the July issue of the magazine, promoting the island as a remarkable geocaching holiday destination.
What is the geocaching
During this outdoor activity, participants (geocachers) look for objects hidden in caches, with the help of GPS devices or smartphone applications, following specific coordinates published on a special platform. In order to find the caches, they are asked to solve puzzles, follow clues and explore the surrounding area. Caches often contain diaries, in which scouts can enter their names, as well as small items to exchange.

In Germany it is a particularly popular hobby, with nearly 500,000 Germans between the ages of 35 and 55 regularly engaging in it. On average, they have a high monthly income, make frequent trips to nature, are familiar with modern technology and combine vacation with their hobby.
The bimonthly magazine “Geocaching” has a circulation of 34,000 copies, with a readership of 82,000 people. At the same time, it regularly sends an informative newsletter to 16,000 recipients, while it has more than 31,000 followers on social media.
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