To offer more and well-paid jobs – 2024-05-02 23:02:18

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis attended on Saturday morning (27.04.2024) the 30th “Career Days” organized by the Public Employment Service (DYPA) in the port of Piraeus, focusing on the blue economy.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis was informed by the Minister of Labor and Social Security Domna Michailidou, the Deputy Minister Vassilis Spanakis and the Governor of DYPA Spyros Protopsaltis regarding the initiatives undertaken by DYPA in the labor market.

He spoke to representatives of more than 70 companies participating in the 30th “Career Day”, recruiting for over 1,000 jobs in blue economy sectors, as well as unemployed job seekers and workers wishing to change jobs, who, through of “Career Days”, they can get in direct contact with employers.

“Dear Mr. Governor, I want to personally congratulate the Public Employment Service, but also the Ministry of Labor, for the very important initiatives you have taken in the field of active labor policies”, the Prime Minister said in a statement, addressing DYPA Governor Spyros Lead singer.

He noted that “the “Career Days” have already been enshrined in the consciousness of businesses and employees as an extremely successful institution. It is the 30th one, which is dedicated to the blue economy. As you said, 70 businesses are participating, more than 1,000 jobs are on offer for either unemployed or employed people who may want to change jobs, to come here and talk directly to businesses in order to make the best possible choice for their working future.

As unemployment in our country is now decreasing and as wages are increasing, it becomes increasingly important to align the capabilities of the workforce with the actual needs of the labor market. In this area, the Public Employment Service plays a decisive role, not only with actions such as Career Days but also through training and retraining programs, through the DYPA apprenticeship schools, so that we can offer, especially to our young fellow citizens , more job opportunities and above all more stable, well-paid jobs.

So, congratulations once more for another very nice initiative. It will be here until the followingnoon, if some of you see this report and are interested in going down to Piraeus, you really won’t waste your time.”

“One of the most important tools for reducing unemployment”

For his part, the Governor of DYPA Spyros Protopsaltis pointed out: “It is a great honor for the Public Employment Service that the Prime Minister came here today, on the 30th “Career Day”. It is the third time, in fact, that he has visited “Career Day”. Today’s is dedicated to the blue economy.

Seventy businesses with over 1,000 jobs are looking for staff and anyone looking to either find a job or change jobs and work in the maritime trades can come here today to speak to the businesses.

“Career Days” are one of the most important tools for reducing unemployment and solving the problem that exists in the labor market, with the difficulties in finding staff.

I want to thank once once more the Prime Minister of the country for his support to the Public Employment Service, for the reform that DYPA is doing to become a real ally for businesses and for the country’s workforce. President, thank you very much.”

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