Mikołów. Little girl found in the window of life. Mom left a letter

A child found in the window of life. Mom left a letter. Illustrative photo

A baby was found in the window of life in Mikołów. The child was left at the Divine Mercy Center for Disabled People. The mother wrote a letter explaining the reasons for her decision.

Employees of the Divine Mercy Center for Disabled People in Borowa Wieś – Mikołów found the child on Tuesday. The girl was left at the window of life.

As “Dziennik Zachodni” indicates, this is the second child who was placed under the care of employees of this facility.

A child in the window of life. Letter from mother

The girl had a letter with her that her mother had left for her. The woman wrote that she left her daughter at the window of life because he can’t take care of her. She also noted that the child was returned “the hardest decision of her life.”

SEE: A girl in the window of life in Łomża. “Healthy and smiling”

In the Divine Mercy Center for Disabled People in Mikołów, the window of life has been operating since August 2012. It was established on the initiative of councilors of the Mikołów district.

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jk/mak / Polsatnews.pl

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