“An EU without a left. And write only Giorgia” –

Pietro De Leo

Here they are, the objectives: «We want Italy to be central to changing what doesn’t work in Europe». And once more: «Italy can make a difference». Giorgia Meloni closes the programmatic event of Fratelli d’Italia by setting a political goal, that is, having the numbers to trigger change in the EU. With a fundamental pre-requisite: «Bringing the Italian model to Europe too would be a revolution in which the conservative party is strategic and fundamental». Therefore: «We want to create a majority that brings together the centre-right forces and send the left into opposition in the EU too. It is a difficult but possible undertaking and we must try.” He states this in his triple role: President of the Italian Council, leader of the Brothers of Italy and of the family of European conservatives. Which will be on track for the June polls. The highlight, in fact, comes at the end of the speech, which is well over an hour (regarding seventy minutes). «I have decided to take the field to lead the Brothers of Italy lists in all the electoral constituencies», he says, eliciting applause from his audience. The model he has in mind for the new Europe, therefore, rests on two legs: the Conservative family and the EPP family. Enough with the Socialists.

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In this long speech from the podium besieged by otoliths (“I’m on a roller coaster”, she warns at the beginning). On her candidacy, then, she launches an invitation: «Whoever votes for me can only write “Giorgia” on the ballot. You make me proud that the citizens continue to call me Giorgia. What the “educated” left has never understood is that I am and will always be a person of the people. The palace and power will not change me or isolate me.”

The speech contains several plans. There is the contrast with the “chic salons”, with the detractors who, with a view to the arrival of the center-right in government, predicted disasters for our country. Instead, he explains, “Italy is back, a protagonist in Europe, in the world, following the servility of the left and the circle-busting of the Five Star Movement”.

This protagonism also includes choices in foreign policy, “such as supporting the Ukrainian people who are fighting for their freedom once morest Putin’s neo-Soviet imperialism”. And he adds: «We do it because we want peace but we also know that peace is built with deterrence, not with colored flags waved in the squares nor with the cynicism of those who write the word peace in their symbol to try to gather some votes moreover on the skin of a tortured people.” This passage on cynicism is a clear lash at Giuseppe Conte and the graphic choice of his party logo.

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The other part is the vindication of what has been done, starting from the economy: «In recent months, employed people have grown by over half a million, we have reached record levels of employment, female employment, stable contracts. Unemployment is decreasing: it clearly doesn’t mean that everything is going well, it means that things are better than before, it means that we are more credible than before.”

And then there are the macro issues, of which provided some previews yesterday, which cast our gaze on the European elections. “Italy has already begun to change Europe and I’m not just referring to immigration, but also to the courage we have had in questioning some totems of the European green deal.” From the first point of view, it claims the choice of cooperation with Tunisia, Egypt, Albania. As for the Tirana government, it enters into the controversy regarding the Report broadcast service: «Help me send our solidarity to Edi Rama (Albanian Prime Minister ed.) for being lynched just for trying to help our nation». And then he attacks Elly Schlein, asking her for a “clear word” on the fight once morest slavers. And speaking of the Dem leader, she adds: “Since, fortunately, I am not the secretary of the Democratic Party, I think I can trust that my party will give me a hand in this electoral campaign.”

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On the green deal, he then states: «The conservative defends nature but also the man who lives within it. We ask for a pragmatic, non-ideological, non-dirigiste approach, open to the market and to innovation. They are the same principles that we defended when we fought once morest the European directive on green homes.” Another theme is the demographic factor and the contrast to the birth rate. So, off to the starting blocks. On a day that also marked the glimpse of coalition unity. With allies Cesa, Lupi and Tajani speaking from the stage. Salvini instead remotely for family reasons. «He preferred the bridge to us», he jokes, then immediately adds «joking». The two then talk on the phone. Proof that the electoral campaign differentiates, yes, but does not separate.

#left #write #Giorgia #Tempo
2024-05-02 07:23:50



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