Inclusive National Dialogue (DNI): The final act –

The Presidential Palace lent its setting, this Tuesday, April 30, 2023, to the officially closing ceremony of the DNI, opened on April 2 and whose work in subcommittees and commissions was effectively completed last Saturday, at the end of the large plenary session which adopted the general report of the work. Which report was solemnly handed over to the president of the transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Libreville, president of the Dialogue, in the presence of the ECCAS facilitator in the Gabonese transition, the Central African president, Professor Faustin Archange Touadéra.

Before this august assembly, the Minister of Institutional Restoration, Murielle Minkoué Mintsa, in her capacity as deputy rapporteur of the DNI, in her speech, briefly recalled the main recommendations contained in the general report of the work of the Inclusive National Dialogue.

In total, revealed Murielle Minkoué Mintsa, there are 1000 solutions, issued by the twelve (12) sub-committees of the DNI, contained in the final report of the Angondjé conference, in the form of proposals made to the authorities of the transition.

Speaking in turn, the president of the DNI, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Libreville, Mgr Jean Patrick Iba-Ba pleaded in favor of the establishment by the president of the transition, in the format he “will judge the most appropriate”of a commission to monitor the recommendations of the DNI, so that these solutions are “transformed into texts of laws, decrees and ordinances, so that Gabon is part of a new dynamic consistent with our virtues and values”he said.

In response to this request, the president of the transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, committed “to set up in the coming days, the Committee for monitoring and monitoring the recommendations of the DNI. A Committee whose mission will also be to propose mechanisms for the implementation of a new electoral code.specified the president of the CTRI.

Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma also said “convinced that in the pages of this report are the main outlines of the new Gabon ».

A privileged witness to the transition process in Gabon, the Central African president, designated facilitator of the Economic Community of Central African States, who officially received a copy of the general report of the DNI’s work from the president of the transition, declared that he will report as soon as possible to his peers at the Conference of Heads of State and Government of ECCAS.

Faustin Archange Touadéra, who welcomed the organization and relevance of the DNI’s conclusions, reassured the Gabonese and their leaders that “the community will continue to support the Gabonese transition, in its different stages, until the return to constitutional order”.

Alph’-Willem Eslie

2024-04-30 14:02:57
#Inclusive #National #Dialogue #DNI #final #act



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