Accused of sexual violence and harassment, reported by two women, the French actor Gérard Depardieu – placed in custody this morning for questioning – was released in the evening. We learn this from investigation sources.
The reckoning has arrived for Gérard Depardieu, the most famous French actor in the world, known for his exuberance and symbol of sexual abuse which caused a real revolt, a kind of French #metoo: for him a stop to Paris. Two women denounced Depardieu in this vein of the numerous sexual accusations concerning him. From today, the actor must answer to the police for sexual violence and harassment on the sets of two films: in 2014 while filming The Magician and the Siamese by Jean-Pierre Mocky, and in 2021, on the set of Green Shutters by Jean Becker. The first to report it, a set designer, talks regarding events that occurred in September 2021.
Depardieu was taking part in the filming of Becker’s film when, one day, while sitting in a corridor, he grabbed the woman with his legs, pinning her between his thighs. The alleged victim claims he was then groped on her abdomen, breasts and buttocks. The actor also allegedly told her: “I’ll plant my big umbrella in your sex.” The woman is a 53-year-old mother of a family, who spoke to the investigators of a “wolf trap” that she felt closing on her, with a “phenomenal force” on his part. So much so that it would have taken the intervention of a third person to free her from Depardieu’s legs that were holding her tight.
The film team pushed the actor to apologize and, according to what was gathered from the testimonies, he did so by stating: “I apologize because I have to apologize…”. But later, he would then insult her throughout the filming, calling her “p…”. Later, the woman explained that she has no longer been able to work since then, and that she suffers from anxiety attacks and post-traumatic stress. In a letter sent to Le Figaro last October, Gérard Depardieu provided the “truth” regarding him, denying the accusations.
The second to file a complaint told the regional newspaper Le Courrier de l’Ouest that, a few days before the shooting of the short film The Magician and the Siamese of March 2014, all the technical staff and actors went to Depardieu’s house, in the central rue du Cherche-midi in Paris, to prepare for filming. On that occasion, an assistant who was 24 years old at the time, claims to have suffered sexual harassment. Depardieu would have touched her lower back, addressing her obscene phrases. At the beginning of filming, the actor crossed her once more and repeated the physical harassment of her, then touched her in her private parts and uttered explicit sentences.
#Gérard #Depardieu #released #arrest #interrogation #sexual #harassment #violence
2024-04-30 08:40:36