Drug case at school: 19-year-old released on parole – 2024-04-29 20:01:18

The threshold of the investigator passed at midday on Holy Monday for a 19-year-old to apologize for the case of drug trafficking in a school in Patras, among the members of which it was found that four minors were also involved.

The 19-year-old was released with restrictive conditions until the trial, during his apology he claimed that he was a victim of the criminal organization and not a perpetrator.

A total of 19 people were arrested for drug trafficking and trafficking in a school complex in Patras. Among those arrested are students and 7 parents for neglecting to supervise minors. The process of apologies for the charges they face – case by case and felony level – will be done in stages.

On Maundy Tuesday the remaining adults will cross the threshold of the investigator, while on Wednesday the minors arrested.

The dialogues that “burn” them
Recorded conversations that the members of the criminal organization “burn” have come to light.

Characteristic is the dialogue between two members:
A: We’ll get it… clear you understand.

B: I got it from Achaia, they don’t call you mala@ies

A: They make fun of you, don’t work on you.

B: I don’t buy it for pure, I know what it is.

A: That’s what I’m saying, nothing to do with clean.

B: Clear, brother, I will bring you when I bring from Athens.

Minors are scared
The cruelty with which the leaders treated the minors as well as the other members of the spiral that trafficked drugs in the schools of Patras is shocking. They used threats, but also beatings to keep selling drugs and not to leave the criminal organization. In recorded dialogues, a leader member directly threatens another member’s family.

B: You know that if I go to Patras, I will burn down your house, I will burn down everything, brother. You know what I’m carrying.
A: I know bro.
B: That is, you leave your parents, your brother, everything exposed as if you were writing them in …. you.
A: I don’t write them in …. come on
B: Nice bro, sit down a bit… are you leaving like this? was to give me money today you made me waste money, the …. Kan didn’t take them from …, because you didn’t tell us and we were on the ship when that happened. And you left like that without saying anything huh…..?

You had to pay for your freedom
According to the evidence that has come to light, it was very difficult to disentangle someone from the circuit. In fact, he had to pay to regain his freedom.

The dialogue between a leading member of the organization and one of the “little ones” is typical.

B: If …. finds out that this thing happened once more, you know what will happen, you know what you will suffer.
A: I know bro, that’s why I’ll give you 20K (20,000 euros)? For my freedom, won’t you tell me?
B: Hey brother, I didn’t tell you like that, You said it yourself.
A: Didn’t you tell me yesterday if you want to be free give 20K?

How did they get caught?
The dismantling of the criminal organization that trafficked drugs in the school took place following a police operation and following the use of data and information collected by the Drug Enforcement Officers during their investigations, establishing the -for at least a year- the activity of the criminal organization.

The police found that in the last two months alone there were at least 65 drug deals – more specifically cannabis, cocaine and MDMA – some of which were given to underage “customers”, even on school grounds.

In fact, the “leaders” allegedly demanded from the teenage members of the organization absolute loyalty to the group, which they eventually got by threatening and beating their minor accomplices and constantly pressuring them to attract new clients, even minor students from the school environment.

During the investigations, the police officers of the Patras Narcotics Prosecution Department found and confiscated, inside a high school complex, 80 grams of cannabis, a precision electronic scale and three packages with ready-to-use small amounts of cannabis.

The criminal organization, through its juvenile members, used the school complex as a place to store and hide the drugs and as a base for their further trafficking. The defendants had even written on a wall of the school complex the selling price of a gram of cannabis.

In searches carried out in the homes of the arrested and in physical searches, the police officers found and confiscated 212.9 grams of raw cannabis, 21.8 grams of cocaine, 29.7 grams of MDMA, two improvised cigarettes with a mixture of cannabis and tobacco, four knives (type butterfly), two iron fists, a wooden walking stick, three precision electronic scales, two cars and a motorcycle, as well as 4,450 euros.

Read also:

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Patrinos Aris Spiliotopoulos is in the communication staff of SYRIZA

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