Hungary applied “medium severity”. – 2024-04-29 11:36:36


The pandemic has shown that globalization poses a risk of vulnerability. Nation-state reactions became necessary, said the head of the 21st Century Institute, Mária Schmidt, at the conference “What are the Covid lessons?”

The pandemic caught everyone unprepared and determined everyday life for two years. It has become clear that a country’s inability to produce health products means vulnerability. Experts appeared all over the world who were impossible to determine whether they had a business interest in selling Covid tests or masks. Their decisions affected millions, Schmidt recalled. Closures and restrictions were accepted that had serious social, economic and psychological consequences. Hungary’s countermeasures to contain the virus were of moderate severity, while in other countries even dissent was punished harshly. Vaccines were available in Hungary (including from the East) more quickly than elsewhere.

Warning regarding pandemic pact

The constitutional lawyer István Stumpf, founding president of Tokaj Viticulture University, spoke regarding the increased value of security, stability and self-sufficiency. Only strong nation states led by competent governments were able to overcome the crisis. In addition to fundamental rights, the interests of the community are also important. In a crisis situation, the constitutional courts must assess to what extent fundamental rights can be restricted.

The Hungarian government was able to act with strong authority during the pandemic and declared a state of emergency in March 2020. The state’s task was to protect people’s lives and health. The crisis caused by the pandemic is not yet over today, warned Stumpf. A pandemic pact is being prepared at the United Nations that aims to take control away from countries and centralize decisions in the event of pandemics.

The virus decided the US elections

According to Gábor G. Fodor, strategic director of the Institute XXI. Century, the EU’s bureaucratic apparatus is cumbersome and corrupt. The scientists were unsettled, and quite a few contradicted themselves.

The President of the Chamber of Pharmacists, Zoltán Hankó, emphasized that the vaccinations were useful and good. Mortality was minimal among pharmacists. In a pandemic situation, the health sector must function as a “paramilitary organization” because in such cases the entire society is entrusted to doctors and pharmacists. The production of critical vaccines, medicines and protective equipment is extremely important; it is necessary to be self-sufficient.

Rajmund Fekete, director of the Institute for Research on Communism, pointed out that, along with Italy, the pandemic situation was most serious in New York. The USA has failed in dealing with the pandemic. All of this led to President Donald Trump’s election defeat. The pandemic has shown that health care in America is also out of control. One in three Americans became infected with the virus. More Americans have died from Covid-19 than in all wars combined. After the outbreak of the pandemic, around 40 million people became unemployed in the states within just a few months.

#Hungary #applied #medium #severity



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