Unlocking the Power of Vitamin N: Nature’s Therapy for Stress, Sleep, and Happiness

2024-04-29 05:01:37

With the pace of life we ​​lead, especially if you live in a big city, it often leads us to lose

focus on what is really important: our

welfare and happiness. It is clear that obligations must be met, but at what cost?

One of the recommendations most often made by experts is to take a break for yourself and find a place that allows you to escape the stress.

emphasize from day to day. For this, nature is strongly recommended, since being in contact with it,

It is very beneficial for us.

And currently we seem to have forgotten the bond we have with it. We should be able to see her as an ally and

connect as much as possible. You don’t have to go to the most remote place in the forest, but a walk in the park counts too, anything that is Vitamin N is welcome.

What is vitamin N and what can it do for us?

This term was coined by the Colombian Heart Foundation and the National Natural Parks of Colombia to refer to

the therapeutic power of nature. Today, it is considered more important than ever to restore the relationship with her, since, as we told you, it is a big deficit.

Vitamin N, unlike others such as D, is not obtained by eating food, but we benefit from it when we are able to energize our senses in a natural environment. This therapeutic capacity is supported by researchers and

some of its benefits are the following:

It helps reduce stress: if you are one of those who

anxiety It has become a part of your daily life, so this is the key to improving your well-being. Just find some time to go for a walk, breathe fresh air and without technology, to enjoy the environment that surrounds you.

It improves sleep quality: A hectic pace of life can affect the way we sleep, constantly waking us up or suffering from insomnia. Vitamin N will help you achieve deep sleep every night.

Strengthens mental health: We place more and more emphasis on mental health, and thank God, as it is what allows us to move forward in our lives with strength and determination. Try to avoid overthinking things and learn to enjoy the journey.

Increases well-being and happiness: is proof that small details can make a big difference. Sometimes being happy lies not in material possessions or in always being surrounded by people, but rather in a moment of

soledad and connection with nature, can be a before and following in your day.




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