Orbán – “We need a new world spirit” – 2024-04-28 17:36:36

“The whole of Europe is flooded by a “progressive-liberal” ocean, only the Magyar people remain on a small island of conservatives.” With this image, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán explained the great international interest in the conservative CPAC Hungary conference.

Hungary is defending itself once morest the “liberal tide” from Brussels, Berlin and Washington. In Budapest, conservative meetings can still be held freely, here neither the organizers nor their families are threatened, and no one calls the police, as happened recently at the NatCon conference in Brussels, Orbán recalled.

“Here we have a constitutional state”

“It’s different for us, we have a constitutional state where everyone can say whatever they want.” Unlike the Belgian Prime Minister, he cannot give the courts any instructions. Regarding developments in Brussels, the “paradise of European liberals,” Orbán thought of the old joke: “Tell me, is this already communism or will it get worse?!”

Among the guests in Budapest, the Prime Minister separately welcomed the former Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott. “He was our hero when he stopped the first waves of uncontrolled immigration because he showed us how to do it. Since then, the role model has become a friend.”

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: “May the 2024 elections bring an end to this topsy-turvy world.”

Defamed and silenced

Because liberals today have to fear for their power worldwide, they are resorting to political reprisals like the communists once did. Orbán described their recipe in detail because it is still largely unknown in the West. In this way, the terms are being reinterpreted: according to Orwell, war is normal today instead of peace, and illegal immigrants are seen as resources.

This new “normal” will be “taught” to society using all the state’s resources. Unpleasant people are defamed as radical by “guardians of democracy” and silenced by an army of activists. Those who still don’t give in will be punished by the state authorities.

This is exactly the procedure Brussels is using once morest Hungary, or the liberals in the USA, if Donald Trump is to be legally removed from the ballot. Orbán expressed his hope that this year’s elections will bring an end to this topsy-turvy world in which democracies wage war and incompetent elites seek to rule the people.

Orbán: “The people are the true sovereign”

“We need a new world spirit, a sovereignist world order, without global ideologies. National interests must once once more be decisive, and the people must act as the true sovereign.” The “open societies” according to the Soros scenario must be replaced by “protected” societies.

The economy should be guided by mutual advantages; states would protect themselves from one-sided dependencies through networked networks of relationships.


#Orbán #world #spirit



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