Oil price drops despite Iran’s attack on Israel – Publimetro México

He precio of the Petroleum remained stable and even registered a decrease at the beginning of operations this Monday, after the attack launched by the government of Iran contra Israellast Saturday.

The quote of raw reference Brent North Sea oil showed a decrease of 70 cents, equivalent to a 0.8% cut, which allowed it to reach $89.75 per barrel at the start of the day.

Along the same lines, the cost of Petroleum United States West Texas Intermediate (WTI) opened this week with a cut of 74 cents, about 9% less, to settle at $84.92 per barrel.

The above, after the precio of the energetic had registered a significant rebound last Friday, in anticipation of the attack of Iran contra Israel; which took Brent and WTI to a price of 90.45 and 85.66 dollars per barrel, respectively.

Why did the price of oil drop?

Financial analysts explained that the markets ehnversionist downplayed a possible armed response of Israel against Iran, after the latter launched an attack of more than 300 drones y missiles.

The director of Economic Analysis of the BASE Financial GroupGabriela Siller, explained that the decrease in the precio of oil is a reaction of mercado given the possibility of avoiding an escalation of the conflict between said nations.

He said that, according to the most recent news, the president of USAJoe Biden “told Israel’s prime minister that he will not support an attack” in response to Iran’s military actions last Saturday. While Iran reported that “the matter can be considered concluded.”

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“The above has prevented the mercado react with aversion al riskallowing the appreciation of the weight Mexican, profits in the capital market and stability in the capital market raw Materials”said Gabriela Siller.

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2024-04-28 16:42:50

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