The children of William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez take sides in the midst of their parents’ controversial breakup

After twenty years of love, William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez have definitively broken up following being given a second chance last year, but it didn’t work out. “Currently, we are no longer together.”confirmed the American model in an interview with HELLO Americas. Several months ago they decided to go their separate ways and he assures that it has been one of the hardest decisions of his life.

Among the reasons for their breakup, he claims that It was not due to lack of love, but different ways of seeing life: “I just think I’m not the same girl he knew from 20 years ago. I mean, what we want right now I think is different.” Despite her breakup, Elizabeth insists that she will always love him and she wishes the best to the person who was the great love of her life.. “That’s what I fell in love with, his smile… I always want to see him smiling.” However, as soon as the breakup became known, it did not take long for rumors of infidelity on the part of the actor, as well as some leaks of calls to the emergency service due to various domestic altercations between the couple in recent months.

The protagonist of woman-fragranced coffee and the model They share two children Christopher, 18, and Kailey, 14, who seem to have taken sides in this story. The eldest son has stayed in the luxurious family home in Miami with his father, while the youngest of the family has moved to an apartment with her mother. Although they try to keep young people out of the conflict, their daughter Kailey has been involved in the latest confrontation between William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez. In one of the videos recorded by the Police in the family home, it shows the tension that already existed between the couple. Elizabeth and her daughter arrived at the family home to pick up Kailey’s clothes and when the teenager tried to enter the master bedroom she heard the voice of a woman. Finding the door closed, she knocked, which caused her father to come out of the bedroom and, in her words, push her to prevent her from seeing the scene and who her companion was.

-A police video is leaked that shows the tension between William Levy and Elisabeth Gutiérrez following their separation

This is yet another episode in the controversy, since the star of Monte Cristo He had reported days before that he might not see his daughter. “She took my daughter away from home. I have the right by law to know where my daughter is,” he told the police. “I have tried to talk to my daughter… The phone is off,” he explained. The officers might not do anything regarding it because there is no formal agreement for the custody of the teenager. Following this call, the magazine People had access to a report that specifies that between 2023 and 2024 the local authorities of Miami had to go to the actor’s home up to four times for different reasons classified as “domestic disturbances.”

After the controversy that this family confrontation has aroused, William Levy broke his silence five days following the news broke. “I have many things to say. I have my side of the story, but I would never do something that would leave the mother of my children in a bad light.. I have always prioritized my children’s mental health and will continue to do so. What’s more, they know who I am and the truth of everything. “I will remain calm, dedicated to my children and my career.”

The Cuban actor has received the support of his son, who dreams of becoming in professional baseball player. Levy frequently attends Christopher’s games and is one of his biggest fans. “Come on! First pitch of the game Pa’ La Calle! I always wanted to see him throw the first pitch of the game and there it is. “I am very proud of you champion,” said the actor. Faced with this affectionate message, the teenager told him: “I love you dad”along with a heart-shaped hands emoji.

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