Challenges Faced by New Doctors on 24-Hour Shifts: A Closer Look at Family Medicine Training

2024-04-28 04:00:00

Lock 24-hour shifts are an essential part of the training of new doctors. Beyond the logic or not that it might mean to have a health worker attentive to the sick day and night, these shifts test the nerves, preparation and response capacity of residents beginning their professional careers.

The conversations “doormen”, Those you are in the emergency department at the hospital are mostly those who put the most pressure and those who also emphasize the training of the health worker.

These guards They are the strong point of those who have chosen General Medicine. There are even residents who, trained in other specialties (many with higher grade requirements on the MIR exam to access them), assume they shudder at the prospect of spending 24 hours in the ER. And of these, there are many who are dependent on their colleagues, who once chose public health’s, for some, “ugly duckling” to get through this ordeal.

Y Here, the GPs end up winning. The shock troops of public health in Spain. Those who are prepared for almost anything and who assume the pace and stress of spending 24 hours in the hospital emergency room. From a simple cold to a heart attack through almost hidden symptoms that might have killed the patient.

family doctors They act as the first line of health shock, both in large hospital complexes and above all in health centres. There we can meet hundreds of young people who finished their studies one, two or three years ago and are discovering the reality of working life. And its precariousness.

In the latest distribution of MIR places throughout Spain, 459 of the 2,500 family medicine places offered remained vacant, and all this despite a shortage of health professionals in this group. Of these, 39 posts were vacant in Andalusia, although none in Cádiz.

Another call allowed the playoff to 213 new inmates.

No one said that Medicine was easy, neither studying it nor practicing it. But the working conditions in which many of these young people find themselves when they enter daily work for the first time do not help at all. And that is why the warning signs have gone off regarding the impossibility of filling 2,500 family doctor positions. Why has this situation been reached?

Duty time

own Minister of Health, Mónica García, spoke regarding this disaster on Radio Nacional: “Beyond the financial incentives, there are many others, such as working well, not having 60 patients a day, not having six or seven shifts a month, trying to reduce the hours on duty, which makes ” work, which supports the value of the work of all health professions…”

The residents make their own analysis, while at the same time they are not at all surprised that there are so many vacancies.

They assume that family medicine has a low prestige within the career and that even very little importance is attached in the entire training process to the Medical degree, compared to the good image (and financial income) that comes with other specialties, which is quickly depleted in the distribution of MIR. Of course, all require higher grades to access them.

A good number of the Family Places that eventually remain vacant, i national distribution, they are concentrated in locations “placed in areas with difficult accessibility and far from large population centers and with little attraction for the doctor starting his professional career, to which they often have to add an overload of administrative tasks.

All this is accompanied by a greater workload that goes beyond these work points and extends across the country.

It assumes that importance that MIRs have in the operation of large hospital centres, especially when they advance in their tenures and especially in the distribution of guards. Services such as the Ambulance Service depend on them at certain times, especially if there is a shortage of treating doctors.

On the other hand impending appearance of the Emergency specialtycurrently non-existent in the MIR distribution, means that those who want to dedicate themselves to these will no longer choose family and community medicine, which until now included them.

In addition to all this is a problem that affects most residents: the income they receive. And to that they will add the employment contracts that are renewed month by month, when they are fixed. As if that wasn’t enough, there are the hours of guard duty they perform. And there are many, especially when it comes to the most experienced professionals who want to learn and advance in their work. They get paid… but they don’t contribute to a pension.

The truth is that when it comes to the distribution of the MIR places, the 2,500 offered in Family far exceed the rest of the specialties (since together they reach around 8,000). If the number of places were equal to the rest, they would be used up before position 6000.

“We cannot continue to do experiments with this group”

The Spanish Association of General and Family Doctors (SEMG) has called on the health authorities to stop doing “experiments” and “end the torture” experienced in family medicine following the MIR playoffs that have left a record number of vacancies.
“We can’t keep doing experiments. Time is up, we have to take action,” stressed the president of this scientific society, Pilar Rodríguez Ledo, following the high number of vacancies.
The doctor makes a “bipolar” reading of it, the first, optimistic, and it is that this specialty has been by far the most chosen, with a total of 2,246 new residents who have chosen it, ahead of pediatrics and internal medicine.
But he makes another “pessimistic”, and that is that “what was predictable happened: When things are done the same way they have always been done, the results will never get better and it is normal for them to get worse. . And it got worse. That’s what we said at the beginning, and that’s what’s happening now, he emphasized.
The SEMG is also concerned regarding the historic number of no-shows recorded in this call, which has exceeded 3,000, which it attributes to the recruitment that the communities of non-specialist doctors are doing to fill their vacancies.

#pain #family #doctors #MIRs #Cádiz



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