“Adolescents in Danger” case reveals how minors were abused in prisons – 2024-04-28 02:39:35

“Adolescents in Danger” case reveals how minors were abused in prisons  
 – 2024-04-28 02:39:35

The Public Ministry (MP) reported this Friday, April 26, that the Unit once morest Criminal Structures and Special Cases of the Prosecutor’s Office once morest Human Trafficking, based on the investigative means presented, managed to get a judge to issue an indictment once morest 29 people. linked to the “Adolescents in Danger” case.

Those indicated have been linked to proceedings in different hearings in the Criminal Court of First Instance with Specialized Jurisdiction in Human Trafficking Crimes.

The MP added that the “Adolescents in Danger” case was operationalized on March 20, in follow-up to research related to the recruitment of minors for organized criminal groups.

During the investigations, the specialized unit documented the admission of minors between the ages of 12 and 16 to prisons, in which they are sexually abused and recruited in order to join the Barrio Gang 18 and its different cliques.

The MP added that he identified the way the criminal structure operates to capture girls and adolescents, which consists of capturing them through social networks, instant messaging applications, human networks, institutes or study centers, among others, which are the first contact between girls and adolescents with gang members.

Then, according to the MP, they are transported by means of rented vehicles by application, motorcycle taxis, collective and extra-urban buses, which are paid for by the gang members or with money from the girls and adolescents that they have in their possession or achieve. extract from their parents.

Subsequently, the minors are received in the residences of members or collaborators of youth gangs or in abandoned properties, in which there is no control by adults or responsible persons.

In those places they receive instructions from gang members for the crimes they must commit or visits to prison centers that they have to makeas well as drinking alcoholic beverages or using narcotics.

Finally, girls and adolescents are detained through death threats, deception or violence during their time of adaptation to the gangs, since the shelters are monitored by gang members.

People linked to process

Guards of the Penitentiary System linked to proceedings for the crime of breach of duties.

  • Fredy Manolo Tolón Sis
  • Marvin Rolando Hernández Uscap
  • José Mordoqueo Ramos Castro
  • Alejandro Salm Cal
  • José Obdulio López Ortiz
  • Hugo René Rueda Ramírez
  • Elber Melquisedec Cruz Sarceño
  • Daniel Zacarías Calel Ventura
  • Alexander de Jesús Aguilar Botello
  • Byron Arnoldo Ramírez Zamora
  • Nery Gutiérrez Sarceño
  • Ilmar Edvilio Hernández Gómez
  • Wilson Gonzalo Morán Chigüichón
  • Yesenia Paola López Soto
  • Víctor Otoniel López Quej
  • Brian Vinicio Castañeda Ortiz
  • Jaime René Batz
  • Marielita Gómez Martínez
  • Andres Caal Chen
  • The World of Yulisa Corado Santiago

PNC agent linked to process

  • Nery Adelso Martínez Villalta, officer III of the DEIC-PNC, for the crime of rape with aggravating circumstances.

Individuals linked to the process

They are charged with the crimes of human trafficking in the form of recruitment of minors for organized criminal groups and sexual exploitation, laundering of money or other assets, concealment, illicit association and concealment.

  • Juana Patricia Guadalupe Gómez Calel
  • Abner Manuel Morales Ren
  • Isabel Alejandra Sánchez Fuentes
  • Byron Daniel Cu Choc
  • Diego Toledo Rojas
  • Madeline Isabel Reyes López
  • Luis Arturo Ramírez López
  • Kimberly Pahola Puac Hurtado

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