Surya Paloh Emphasizes that PKS Remains Friends in Struggle – 2024-04-27 13:07:08

Chairman of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh (MI/Usman Iskandar)

CHAIRMAN of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, said that whatever attitude the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) chooses in the new government, PKS will remain a friend in the struggle mission to build the nation for NasDem.

“I feel this way that there is no gap or distance between NasDem and PKS. “If PKS friends will be in government, this new government supported by Nasdem, we will be grateful, thank God,” said Surya at the halal bihalal event and the 22nd anniversary of PKS in the TB Simatupang area, South Jakarta, Saturday (27/4).

“But, if it’s not in government, we’ll also say that’s fine. Just arrange it well. “It is clear that we must maintain and maintain the friendship between NasDem and PKS,” he added.

Surya stated that he had never doubted the attitude and political progress of PKS.

The capabilities of PKS, continued Surya, are already limited. PKS has experience in government for 10 years. Likewise, the experience of being in the opposition for 10 years.

“What is my basis as Chairman of the NasDem Party for providing further comments? “There is nothing, except for one thing, there is a shared ability and desire to see this nation become sovereign, able to strengthen its position as a nation, which is able to consistently implement and apply the ideals and commands of the nation’s proclaimers,” said Surya.

“So, if you ask me, do you doubt the nationalism of PKS friends? I’m the first to say I never had any doubts about that. “I feel entitled to express my doubts,” he concluded. (Z-1)

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