“My Democratic Party did not incite hatred. De Gasperi established a celebration of unity” –

Edoardo Sirignano

«Whoever fuels words of opposition has nothing to do with my history, my culture, nor with my Democratic Party. The party I founded did not incite hatred once morest anyone.” This is what Giuseppe Fioroni, former minister and for many years leader of the popular dem, said.

Is April 25th the holiday of only one party, as some are trying to spread?
«De Gasperi established it as a celebration of liberation from the Nazi-fascist regime, but above all as a celebration of unity that closed a page of divisive history and opened a new book of pacification. He considered anti-fascism to be the foundation of the country’s reconstructive ideas. This is the true spirit of the Resistance. We must not forget that De Gasperi, even though he was in prison for the Regime, every day recited an our father as long as Mussolini’s soul might be saved. This is the attitude of forgiveness, of those who look to a future of peace.”

Why is it important to reiterate this concept today?
«The temptation to put flags on this anniversary is increasingly widespread, on both sides, hoping that the ideological opposition and mutual quacking can serve to regain consensus. In this way, however, damage is done to Italy. Anti-fascism should have only one purpose: to ensure that the quality of democracy is always better and more attentive to the needs of citizens.”

“Are you Jewish?”.  The disturbing question to Ester Mieli triggers an uproar:

These days, however, those who take to the streets sometimes end up taking it out on the Jews, motivating it with what is happening in Palestine…
«All of us have the suffering of the Jewish people firmly in our hearts. Reason why it is not necessary to strengthen the causes of the conflict, but rather to operate in the wake of interactional law, which not only divides the oppressed from the oppressors, but gives the two peoples, the Israeli and the Palestinian, the possibility of growing in harmony and peace, just as Pope Francis reminds us every day.”

Some, meanwhile, accuse the left of having positions that are too pro-Palestinian…
«Anyone who, with respect to a third world war that is taking place piecemeal, from Ukraine to the Middle East, passing through many small forgotten conflicts, uses words of opposition, hatred or, even worse, incitement, is making a mistake. He is a destroyer of peace, not a builder. If no one is able to understand that complex moments must be lived in moderation, which does not mean with less passion than one’s beliefs, but with that wisdom that leads you to favor the reasons that unite over those that divide, it is a problem. On both extreme sides, both on the right and on the left, there is a tendency to look more for the reasons for the conflict than those for the construction of international harmony”.

Pd and M5S throw away their masks, so they vote  once morest the EU directive

Is your former party, the Democratic Party, not as moderate as it once was?
«The one I helped found is different from the current one. This has legitimately chosen to be a left-wing party. We are faced with a coalition between Schlein’s maximalist left and Conte’s justicialist and populist left. They are both legitimate cultures, but they no longer belong to my history and culture. Everything that is experienced with movement and without a sense of moderation does not belong to me.”

It is no coincidence that he was among the most active in promoting initiatives once morest anti-Semitism…
«We cannot forget the Shoah, the deportation of the Jews and that terrible barbaric extermination. However, we also have a duty for the future with respect to too many silences that occurred then.”

I wanted to pay: Piero Fassino reported for attempted theft at the airport

#Democratic #Party #incite #hatred #Gasperi #established #celebration #unity #Tempo
2024-04-27 04:13:24



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