Job seekers increasingly controlled

2024-04-26 07:04:16

Four hundred and twenty thousand checks carried out in 2019, then 500,000 in 2022, then 523,400 in 2023, and another 600,000 planned for 2024. Finally 1.5 million planned for 2027.

Except for the interlude of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, never has the diligence of the unemployed in fulfilling their obligations been so scrutinized by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) which published a detailed report on April 19 of job search control in 2023. “Registering with France Travail implies rights and duties. Control is part of our missions,” recalls Paul Bazin, deputy general manager of the public operator. Six hundred advisors are dedicated to this task.

France Travail has refined its methods over the years by giving priority to targeted controls which now account for 60% of the total, including 45% for job seekers in professions in shortage, 11% for training leavers and 4% for jobs in shortage. other categories.

18% had to be “revitalized”

Targeting these populations is justified by the fact that they are supposed to find employment more quickly, since they are in high demand or better trained. The share of random checks fell to 26% and the balance (15%) results from a report from the jobseeker’s advisor.

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After this stage of selection of unemployed people, France Travail controllers check all the steps taken by the people concerned to find a job or create their business. “They study their files, discuss with them and take into account all kinds of elements, including personal ones such as childcare or mobility problems, before making their decision”assure Paul Bazin.

From their analysis, it appears that, for last year, 65% of job seekers checked were in “active search” employment; 18% had to be “revitalized”, their approach being considered insufficient or not effective enough. Finally, 17% of inspections resulted in a one-month deregistration with the same amount of allowance removed, or even more in the event of repeated breaches.

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Should we conclude that 17% of job seekers in France abuse the social system? Absolutely not, analyzes Frédéric Cherbonnier, professor of economics at Sciences Po Toulouse and the Toulouse School of Economics: “Targeting controls artificially inflates the proportion of unemployed whose lack of attendance justifies removal. The most realistic figure to consider for this category is 9%, corresponding to the share of random checks that resulted in delisting. »

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