Resignation Wave at US State Department Over Policy on Gaza: Hala Gharit and Others Speak Out

2024-04-26 08:29:10

The Arabic-speaking spokesperson for the US State Department, Hala Gharit, has resigned in a sign of opposition to Washington’s policy towards the war in Gaza. This is at least the third resignation from the ministry on this issue.

According to the ministry’s website, Hala was also deputy director of the Dubai Regional Media Center and joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about two decades ago as a political and human rights officer.

Hala wrote on LinkedIn: “I resigned in April 2024 after 18 years of distinguished service, in protest of the US policy of… Gaza“.

Asked about the resignation at a news conference on Thursday, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said the ministry has channels for its employees to exchange views when they disagree with government policies.

A wave of resignations

  • About a month earlier, Anil Shilin of the State Department’s Office of Human Rights announced his resignation.
  • The department’s head, Josh Ball, resigned in October.
  • Tareq Habash, a senior US Department of Education official of Palestinian descent, resigned from his position in January.
  • I was exposed UNITED STATES He has faced growing criticism internationally and from human rights groups over his support for Israel in the ongoing attack on Gaza, which has killed tens of thousands of people. and created an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.
  • There have been signs of dissent within the presidential administration. Joe BidenAs war deaths continue to rise.
  • In November, more than a thousand officials from the U.S. Agency for International Development, part of the State Department, signed an open letter calling for an immediate ceasefire, and cables criticizing the policy of the administration were sent to the State Department’s internal “opposition channel.”
  • The war has also sparked fiery speeches and anti-war protests in the United States, Israel’s most important ally.
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