Spring weekend, 79% of hotel rooms occupied. The most popular destinations

Occupancy rate at 79% despite the uncertain weather. During the long Liberation weekend, 5.6 million visitors are expected, 400 thousand more than last year, in hotels thanks also to the massive arrivals of foreign tourists. Thus incoming in April is worth 56% of the market. The situation is even better in the cities of art where the employment rate reaches 89%. This is what a survey carried out by the Centro Studi Turistici per Assoturismo Confesercenti on the main online booking platforms reveals. The trend in rural areas and agritourism is positive thanks to 84% employment, while along the coasts and in lake areas it reaches 78%. In spa resorts the figure is 77% and in the mountains, where in some ski resorts the facilities close on May 1st, occupancy is 69%. The most popular destinations are those of Umbria and Lazio with a booking rate of 89%, Liguria (86%), Tuscany and Campania with 85%, Friuli-Venezia Giulia (84%), Veneto (83%) and Emilia-Romagna (83%). Then Lombardy, Marche, Abruzzo, Basilicata and Puglia with 78% of the employment rate for each region. Molise (64%) and Calabria (62%) close the ranking.

As regards incoming from abroad, there are over 235 thousand airport travellers, of which 32 thousand are from the United States, plus around 58 thousand Italians. Today, according to Enit estimates, almost 21 thousand arrivals are expected. The flight to Italy is booked by the foreign guest approximately 130 days before departure, for an average stay of 12 nights. People travel as a couple in 57.6% of cases, while single passenger bookings represent 24%. Italy is chosen not only for the canonical mix of art, culture and gastronomic specialties but, according to the findings of the Enit Research Office with Remtene, for its convenience. In short, if Americans are moved by the favorable exchange rate, European tourists in recent weeks find hotel room prices in line with those of main competitors such as Slovenia and Greece.

The destination map

The hospitality industry looks with optimism at this first test bed of the 2024 season. According to the forecasts of Confindustria Alberghi, Venice confirms itself as the most popular destination both for the long weekend of 25 April with over 90% of the rooms already booked and for that of May 1st, with over 88% of reservations. Today the entrance ticket debuts in Venice, a measure launched to raise cash and try to contain overtourism. The expected revenue, calculates JFC Tourism & Management, for the 29 days in which the “contribution” will have to be paid is 4.8 million euros. Florence is also doing well, where over 80% of available rooms have already been booked for the April 25th long weekend, while for the May 1st long weekend the figure is 77% with a significant component of customers coming from the USA, China and the United Kingdom . For the second consecutive year, Naples recorded an increase in bookings for the 25 April long weekend driven by both strong national and foreign demand with 85% of rooms booked. The data for the May 1st holiday was good with 68% of rooms occupied, waiting for the last minute. Rome is confirmed in line with 2023 for both weekends, with 75% of rooms booked for April 25th and 78% for May 1st. Milan is slowing down with -10% for Italian customers compared to 2023 and -3% for foreign customers. The May long weekend was better with 45% of rooms occupied in line with 2023. «These are very encouraging data with the fundamental return of Italian travelers who have chosen a holiday in Italy for these spring long weekends – says Maria Carmela Colaiacovo, president of Confindustria Alberghi -. The attention of international travelers towards our country, which has already been accompanying us for many months, is confirmed. Overall, the test was passed and we look forward to the next few months with confidence despite the challenges facing the sector.”

A fraction will opt for spa facilities. Federterme Confindustria estimates around 160 thousand presences in spa hotels with an occupancy rate between 75-80% and an average stay of 3 days. «The spa is the ideal place to spend the days of the upcoming spring holidays, i.e. April 25th and May 1st, in search of well-being and prevention. The Italian spa system – Federterme said in a note – is the best answer for those who want to take care of themselves by combining fundamental elements of well-being, food tourism and green tourism. The varied offer, within reach of all budgets, is the fundamental element of the spa system because it allows you to choose between the 300 structures present throughout the territory, most of which are set in a landscape of extraordinary natural beauty”.

Only a small part of Italians have decided to go to a foreign country, Federalberghi reports. Only 5% will opt for a trip across the border and among the destinations, in addition to the “classic” European capitals, there are the Red Sea resorts but also the Caribbean, the USA, Cape Verde and the Canary Islands.

#Spring #weekend #hotel #rooms #occupied #popular #destinations
2024-04-26 07:47:56



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