First photos of Fidel Castro published in almost six months

First photos of Fidel Castro published in almost six months

Havana.- The official Cuban newspaper Granma and other official Cuban media published 21 new photos of Fidel Castro in their web edition, the first in six months.

Castro, 88, appears at his home with the leader of the University Student Federation student union, Randy Perdomo García, during a meeting on January 23.

The Cuban revolutionary leader has not appeared in public since January 2014.

The last photos of Castro were from August of last year.

The photos appear following rumors regarding Castro’s poor health or death had intensified in recent weeks.

The images are accompanied by an article signed by Perdomo García in which he narrates his visit to Castro’s house.

Perdomo says that Castro called him by phone to invite him to talk.

The occasion for the visit to Fidel’s house, according to Perdomo, is the 70th anniversary of Castro’s entry into the university, which will be celebrated on September 4.

“We talked with joy, like two classmates,” says the student.

The photos appear following rumors regarding Castro’s poor health or death had intensified in recent weeks.

“In a special moment, he refers to Venezuela and speaks with great emotion regarding Chávez and Maduro,” says Perdomo.

“He also comments on Nicaragua and the efforts of Daniel Ortega and his wife in the development of that small nation.”

Castro’s wife, Dalia, can also be seen in the photos.

In some of the images, Castro holds an official Cuban publication in which you can see a photo of the five spies released by the United States.

The return of the last ones who remained in prison was celebrated in recent weeks in Cuba.

On Monday of last week, Castro signed a letter sent to the same union in which he indirectly supported dialogue between Washington and Havana, but added that he distrusted American politicians.

#photos #Fidel #Castro #published #months
2024-04-26 06:51:38

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