“What I will do is about my father and his honor” – 2024-04-26 05:46:39

He replied to the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis Yiannis Kallianos on the occasion of his father’s hospitalization at “Attikon” hospital and the video that the New Democracy MP uploaded on social media and caused a sensation.

Adoni’s response to Kalliano for his father’s hospitalization: I respect the pain of every relative, the legal procedure was followed
His answer in detail:

“My dear friend Adonis, thank you very much for your humane message. I don’t mess with you. The protocols are specific and we didn’t want to violate any of them. But we both know, very well, friend Adonis, what it was that was not implemented for 4-5 whole days. And it’s not your fault, it’s the fault of the clinic where my father was and the doctors who “monitored” him and who said that the man is doing very well while his oxygen was decreasing every day. Didn’t they say so? You, rightly say, cannot interfere in who will enter the ICU. But the doctors judge.

1. The Vascular surgeon who operated on my father (finger amputation) was begged by my brother (as a cardiologist – electrophysiologist Doctor) that he cannot be supported on the simple vascular surgery bed as he should be, he wanted support aerodynamically and hemodynamically in the ICU or ICU without intubation. But the Vascular surgeon said that my father is doing great.

2. He never spoke to my brother like a colleague. He told me that my father is doing great and that his exams are amazing. I have everything recorded in both messages and calls.

3. My father was never evaluated by a curator of another specialty but only by specialists of other specialties. Many of them were ordinary students.

4. We talked to intensivists at other hospitals and they wouldn’t put him in the ICU because they were looking for hours (while my father passed out) to find out if he met the criteria. So what are these criteria? Are there age criteria or do only those who are healthy enter the ICU?

5 We experienced the “perfection” of the scientific staff of this particular clinic, that a man who was hemodynamically unstable, septic, with a decreased level of consciousness and with saturation at 60-65% was judged by the professor that there was no reason to enter the ICU platform .

6. Professor, commander and deputy commander, they told me that my father’s exams were amazing, perfect, more than good. And they were telling me that the Doctors at the clinic decided that my father is doing well. Here they disputed that he also has pulmonary fibrosis according to the Professor, something from which he suffers for years. They made such good and detailed assessments.

7. I called the Professor more than 10 times and he told me that he is not putting him on a platform because he will be fine. There is no reason. When he saw, following 5 days of us begging him on our knees that he was now one step before death, he showed a little interest and with his pass put him on a platform to enter the ICU.

8. Finally, my father had a seizure and was put in the ICU in the same hospital, in Attiko, where he was intubated.
I have everything in messages and calls (audio messages that I sent because I didn’t have the courage to even write a message) and all the other evidence.

What I will do from now on dear Minister Adonis, with all due respect, I will tell you that it concerns no one else but my father and his honor.

Everything in the light, without fearing anyone who will try to make me a liar, because thousands of people have been in my father’s position in the past. I have all the evidence which I will testify publicly if necessary. As well as the exact names of the Doctors”.

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#father #honor



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