University of Texas at Austin Protests and Civil Conflict News

University of Texas at Austin Protests and Civil Conflict News

2024-04-25 07:44:13

2024-04-25 15:44 United News Network Corner International Daily Podcast The University of Texas at Austin also had physical conflicts between students and police on April 24. We currently know that at least 34 people have been…

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April 25, 2024, followed by the news:

(1) Pro-Palestine protests on American college campuses are becoming more and more intense. Conflicts followed one another on different campuses. For example, at Columbia University, nearly a hundred students supporting Palestine were arrested by police on April 18, which caused great controversy and suspended many classes on campus starting on April 18. April 22. Move online to avoid further escalation of conflicts. At the University of Texas at Austin, there was also a physical conflict between students and police on April 24. At least 34 people are currently believed to have been arrested, including journalists who were conducting interviews and reporting from the scene.

Similar solidarity protests have spread to universities across the United States. Students participating in the activities called on the United States to stop providing military aid to Israel, oppose funding of schools by corporations that support Israel, and support Palestinian war refugees. However, some Israeli or Jewish students pointed out that “anti-Semitic” hate speech, even intimidation and threats, appeared in these protests, which made some students uncomfortable. Regarding these statements, teachers and students from different schools responding to the activities responded that these extreme words and actions were not intended to support the protests, but might be the malicious sabotage of a very small number of people.

However, these opinions appear to be within campus, and there is not much overlap between people with different positions. On the contrary, due to the management of the campus by the police, the entire protest and students intensified.

(2) The Myanmar military launched a coup to seize power in February 2021. Since then, Myanmar has been plunged into civil war for more than three years. In October 2023, the “Three Brothers Alliance” composed of ethnic armed organizations from Myanmar. launched Operation 1027 to attack several military strongholds. Although the power of the military government has weakened, fighting between several parties continues, and sporadic conflicts with the border areas of various countries also continue. In order to expand the number of troops, the military government implemented the latest People’s Army Service Law, which stipulates that men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 must serve for at least 2 years. The United Nations has called Myanmar’s civil war a human rights disaster, and many Western countries have imposed economic sanctions on junta members.

Along with thousands of middle-class people, many young people choose to enter the jungle to fight alongside ethnic armed groups. More than 300 armed organizations are spread across the country and must fight alongside the Burmese army at all times. Under the government army’s compulsory recruitment system, anxious young people believe that if they cannot flee abroad, they will choose to take up arms and join the ranks of the rebels to return to their way of life free of yesteryear.

The photo shows a protest at the University of Texas at Austin, with police and students clashing. Similar solidarity protests have spread across universities across the United States, with participation… last 24 hours UNITED STATES Israel Palestine

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