Al-Sisi sends a message to the Egyptians about Sinai and Israel’s movements

Egypt – Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi sent a message to Egyptians today, Thursday, on the forty-second anniversary of the liberation of Sinai.

The Egyptian President said: “I am speaking to you today on the anniversary of one of Egypt’s glorious days, the forty-second anniversary of the liberation of beloved Sinai, that precious spot in the holy land of Egypt that has long been the subject of targeting and aggression, and as long as the great people of Egypt, led by the valiant armed forces, have succeeded in Protect, preserve and preserve it.”

He added that the story of the Egyptians’ struggle for Sinai is an epic of heroism and redemption, of perseverance and sacrifice, and an unrelenting insistence on preserving the rights of this great nation and not giving up a single inch of it. This is an approach that has long formed the solid foundations of Egyptian patriotism and the main determinants of national security.

He continued: “Sinai, which was liberated by war and diplomacy, will remain a witness to the strength of Egypt, its people, its armed forces, and its state institutions, and an eternal symbol of the resilience of the Egyptian people in defeating aggressors and invaders throughout the ages.”

He continued: “Over the past years, Egypt has been subjected to a new test that targeted Sinai, and we fought a fierce war once morest the forces of terrorism and evil that deludedly believed that their terrorist operations might weaken our resolve, but evil destroyed the fortresses of goodness and honor, and the people presented righteous martyrs from their honorable sons in the armed forces and the police.” Civilians, to pay with their precious blood the price of protecting Sinai, and even all of Egypt, from terrorism and extremism.”

He said: “The developments that the region witnessed during the past months, the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, and the clear Egyptian position from the first moment, completely rejecting any displacement of Palestinians from their lands to Sinai or to any other place, in order to preserve the Palestinian cause from liquidation and to protect Egypt’s national security.” As well as our steadfast position of insistence and intensive work to establish a ceasefire, implement humanitarian aid, and advance efforts to establish an independent, sovereign Palestinian state so that the Palestinians obtain their legitimate rights. All of these constitute the firm constants within which Egypt is keen to work with the highest goal of establishing peace, security, stability and development in the region for the benefit of… All its peoples.”

He stressed that just as the war to liberate Sinai was a sacred national duty, and so was the war to purify it of terrorism, the development and reconstruction of Sinai is also a sacred national duty, and today Sinai is witnessing unprecedented efforts to achieve comprehensive development in health, education, infrastructure, and all components of urbanization and industry. Agriculture, within the framework of a huge national project that deserves Egyptians to make the necessary sacrifices in order to implement it, to protect and preserve the security and safety of the entire nation.

He concluded by saying: “In conclusion, there is nothing more honorable than offering greetings and respect to those whose sacrifices were the reason for the survival and steadfastness of this country, and whose pure blood was a river from which the sands of Sinai drank, until it was liberated and then cleansed of terrorism.”

Source: RT

#AlSisi #sends #message #Egyptians #Sinai #Israels #movements
2024-04-25 17:28:35



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