Bards galore. The real data – Time

The outgoing centre-right governor Vito Bardi is ahead in the counting of real data for the 2024 regional elections in Basilicata and with a strong advantage over Piero Marrese (centre-left). The live broadcast of the count.

21:35 – The counting continues in the regional elections in Basilicata: when more than half of the sections have been counted, 394 out of 682, based on data from the Interior Ministry, the outgoing governor and candidate of the centre-right, Vito Bardi (Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia, UDC, Action, Lucanian Pride, The True Basilicata) is in the lead with 55.75%, while the centre-left candidate Piero Marrese (Pd, 5 Star Movement, Basilicata Common Home, United Basilicata, Avs-Green Europe- Italian Left-PSI-La Basilicata possible) is at 42.93%. The candidate Eustachio Follia (Volt) is at 1.32%.

20:48 – Vito Bardi (centre-right) at 58.66%, Piero Marrese (centre-left + M5S) at 40.40%, Eustachio Follia (Volt) 0.94%. These are the partial results of the Regional elections in Basilicata (236 sections out of 682, as reported on the Ministry of the Interior website.

20:47 – «Victory for the centre-right and the entire coalition in Basilicata, with Vito Bardi reconfirmed President of the Region». Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wrote this in a tweet, commenting on the outcome of the vote in Basilicata. «I sincerely thank all the citizens who wanted to confirm their support for our policies. Your trust is the engine that drives us forward every day. My best wishes for good work to Vito Bardi, to the council that will take office and to the elected councilors. Forward with commitment and determination”, concludes the Prime Minister.

20.16 – Bardi is at 57 percent and Marrese at 41 when 25 percent of the sections have been scrutinized. «While waiting for a figure closer to the definitive one, in any case a clear victory for our coalition is emerging. I want to thank the Lucanians for the trust they have placed in me, for the second time”, says the President of the Basilicata Region, Vito Bardi, in a note. «It is a great responsibility – he added – that I feel towards all of them, even towards the Lucanians who did not vote for me or who did not go to the polls. I will continue to be everyone’s President. I therefore dedicate this victory to all Lucanians. The turnout – continued Bardi – has certainly penalized the centre-left, which is also partly the cause: the voters have sanctioned the sad spectacle that the left has put on the field in recent months. They lost because they talked regarding Bardi while we talked regarding Basilicata. It was a great success for our coalition, – he then said – I want to thank the national leaders of the centre-right, of Italia Viva and of Action, all the candidates, militants and volunteers who committed themselves unreservedly to this electoral campaign. I extend a greeting to Piero Marrese and Eustacchio Follia with whom I spoke. Now – he concluded – back to work to plan the priorities for the next 5 years together with all the political forces of the coalition”

19:39 – «Great satisfaction» for the first voting data in Basilicata is expressed by Matteo Renzi «who was the first – underlines a note IV – to support Vito Bardi also by virtue of an ancient friendship». «And satisfaction – we read once more – also for the good result of the list made up of young but rooted guys. Proof that the center proves to be crucial to winning.”

19:32 – Vito Bardi (centre-right) at 56.65%, Piero Marrese (centre-left + M5S) at 42.17%, Eustachio Follia (Volt) 1.18%. These are the partial results of the Regional elections in Basilicata (104 sections out of 682, as reported on the Ministry of the Interior website.

19:12 – In Basilicata, with 54 sections scrutinized out of 682, the advance of the centre-right candidate Vito Bardi is confirmed, collecting 56.06% of the preferences, and the centre-left candidate Piero Marrese, stuck with 42.44% of the votes. Eustachio Follia di Volt stands at 1.50 percent. In the outgoing governor’s coalition, Fratelli d’Italia is the list that, at the moment, has the most votes: 13.90%. Followed by Forza Italia (11.07%), Action with Calenda (10.26%) and Lega (7.86%). On the opposite front, the Democratic Party received 13.40% of the votes, Basilicata Casa Comune 10.28% and the 5 Star Movement 8.57%.

18:27 – «If I have to comment on the exit polls, the first projections, I can be very satisfied, but we always have to wait for the actual results that come out of the polls». The national secretary of Forza Italia Antonio Tajani says this, commenting in Luxembourg, on the sidelines of the Foreign and Defense Council, on the first exit polls relating to the regional elections in Basilicata. «Everything suggests – he continues – that there might be a very positive result for Vito Bardi, who was also able to broaden the boundaries of the centre-right coalition and, also according to the exit polls, there is a hypothesis of a result flattering for Forza Italia, which would confirm Abruzzo’s result.”

17:47 – First real data from the regional elections in Basilicata. When 10 sections out of 682 were scrutinized, based on data from the Interior Ministry, the outgoing governor and candidate of the centre-right, Vito Bardi (Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia, Udc, Azione, Orgoglio Lucano, La vera Basilicata) was in leads with 60.36%, while the centre-left candidate Piero Marrese (Pd, 5 Star Movement, Basilicata common house, united Basilicata, Avs-Green Europe-Italian Left-Psi-La Basilicata Possible) at 38.67%. The candidate Eustachio Follia (Volt) is stuck at 0.96%.

16:43 – «We await the consolidated results, but we hope that the first indications of the success of President Bardi and the center-right in Basilicata will be confirmed. If this is the case, it will mean how well Forza Italia did in proposing the confirmation of the president and the expansion of the coalition. We are the linchpin of the alliance. We will say nothing regarding the left that had to go from one triumph to another from L’Aquila to Potenza, only to then overthrow the government with one blow, understanding the difficult condition of the piddini and grillini”. This was declared by Senator Maurizio Gasparri, national head of Local Authorities of Forza Italia.

16:26 – There is enthusiasm in the electoral committee of Vito Bardi, the outgoing governor and re-nominated by the centre-right coalition, set up in a hotel on the outskirts of the city, following the Instant Polls commissioned by Telenorba to the specialized company Yoodata for the regional elections of Basilicata. Bardi is with his family and his closest collaborators, and is following the results of the counting in the electoral committee, set up as five years ago, in the same accommodation facility.

Final turnout at 49.80%: this is the figure relating to the 682 sections, provided by the Interior Ministry following the polls closed at 3pm today. In the 2019 regional elections the turnout was 53.52% but the figure is not comparable because 5 years ago voting took place on a single day.

Three presidential candidates Vito Bardi for the center-rightsupported by seven lists, Piero Marrese for the centre-leftwith five symbols, ed Eustachio Madness per Volt. Bardi is the outgoing governor, supported by seven lists: Lega, Brothers of Italy, Forza Italia, Central Union, Action, Lucanian Pride and The True Basilicata. Five symbols make up the coalition in support of Marrese: Democratic Party, 5 Star Movement, Green-Left Alliance – PSI – La Basilicata Possibile, Basilicata common house and united Basilicata. Lonely race for Volt, with Follia.

#Bards #galore #real #data #Time
2024-04-25 07:45:34



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