They want to lure foreign teachers into Latvian classrooms

According to Presidential Adviser Martins Dregeris, the bill is intended to provide an opportunity to attract highly qualified specialists to Latvian universities who are not only motivated to gain experience abroad, but also want to work in the long term with predictable career growth in the academic and research field in Latvia.

The bill establishes the same requirements for all academic positions, with the exception of lecturers and assistants, for whom the requirements for the state language will be imposed already at the time of election. The proposed amendments establish a transition period during which a foreigner studies the state language, but the transfer of knowledge in Latvia occurs immediately. In accordance with the existing approach in the law on the state language and other laws, the proposed amendments provide for the delegation of authority to the Cabinet of Ministers to determine the level and degree of proficiency in the state language necessary for the continuation of employment relations with a foreigner following a six-year period. In turn, universities can determine the procedure for a foreigner’s gradual mastery of the Latvian language.

Rinkevich notes that one of the factors influencing the international openness of Latvian higher education and science is the requirements for academic staff established in regulations, including requirements for proficiency in the state language.

“A number of important studies note that the existing strict requirements in some cases may create obstacles to the international competitiveness of Latvian higher education and science. The current situation also allows universities to attract teachers who do not speak the state language at the level and degree required by law. This leaves too many opportunities for conflicting interpretations, universities should develop science, art and the Latvian language through their activities. These tasks are not mutually exclusive, but complement each other,” says the President of Latvia.

#lure #foreign #teachers #Latvian #classrooms
2024-04-25 07:42:59



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