will go to social services –

Giuseppe China

The Middle World process seems to never end. Almost ten years after the arrests, one of the main protagonists of that affair, Massimo Carminati, has obtained probationary custody from social services. The former member of the Nar for the affair renamed in the media as “Capital Mafia” (in which the Rome Prosecutor’s Office accused the two criminal associations of the mafia character which was definitively excluded by the stoats themselves in 2019) must still serve three years and two months of imprisonment. A period of time which is the result of the second appeal process, ordered by the Court of Cassation itself after having disavowed the accusatory hypothesis, in which the robbers inflicted ten years on Carminati and the period he has already spent in prison. To this sentence is added another eight months for an affair closely connected to the main one, the one which, to be clear, has overwhelmed politics and business.

Before going any further, it should be remembered that with the current legislation it is possible to request custody of social services only if one does not have to serve a residual sentence of more than four years. A circumstance exploited by Carminati, represented by his lawyer Cesare Placanica, who should have spent a total of another three years and ten months behind bars. It is April 27, 2017, a particularly relevant and eagerly awaited date of the first degree trial of the Middle World defendants. We are in the final stages because the prosecuting magistrates must announce their requests for conviction, in the courtroom among them, in addition to the chief prosecutor Giuseppe Pignatone and the deputy Paolo Ielo, there is the substitute Luca Tescaroli.

Whoever betrayed Rome now sits in Parliament: Salvatore Buzzi speaks

Precisely the latter for “the blind man” Carminati requests a sentence of 28 years in prison. At first the accused, connected at the time from the Parma prison, appears impassive, then also thanks to the testimony of a prison police officer and the transcripts of the audio of the hearing it is discovered that he utters a “vaff.. .». Offense aimed at Tescaroli (recently appointed chief prosecutor in Prato by the CSM). The result was a criminal case which was staged in Perugia, as it was responsible for the facts involving the magistrates of the Roman district. This affair, which in a nutshell we could define as the condemnation of the sentence, still has consequences for Carminati who, as mentioned, should serve eight months. One wonders whether the latest judicial episode against the former member of the Revolutionary Armed Nuclei was analyzed by the then ras of the red cooperatives Salvatore Buzzi. The fate of the trial and beyond has brought them together for a long time, yet there is a substantial difference between the two. In fact, Buzzi has a residual sentence of just over four years for the Mondo di mezzo case. Will the Carminati case pave the way for Buzzi? He should not be excluded a priori. If this were the case, within a decade of “Mafia Capitale” only social services would have remained.

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#social #services #Tempo
2024-04-25 03:26:49

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