Google Fires 20 More Employees For Protesting Against Its Nimbus Project With Israel

2024-04-24 12:00:03

Google has fired at least 20 more employees following they protested technology the company supplies to the Israeli government, bringing the total number of fired employees to more than 50, according to a group representing workers. This is the latest episode in a case that shakes Google and its “Project Nimbus”, a $1.2 billion contract signed in 2021 for Google and Amazon to provide the Israeli government with cloud computing and intelligence services artificial. The group behind the movement, No Tech For Apartheid, said that the company had already laid off 30 workers last week – a figure higher than the 28 initially announced.

Two people walk past the Google sign in front of the Google offices in Sunnyvale, Calif., Thursday, April 18, 2024AP Photo/Terry Chea

Then, on Tuesday evening, Google announced the firing of “more than 20” other employees, “including non-participating witnesses in last week’s protests,” Jane Chung, a spokeswoman for No Tech For Apartheid, said without comment. provide a more precise figure.

“Google’s goals are clear: The company is trying to stifle dissent, silence its workers, and reassert its power over them,” Chung said in a press release. “In its attempts to achieve this, Google decided to unceremoniously, and without due process, upend the lives of more than 50 of its own workers.”

The company did not say how many people were fired but confirmed that “each of the employees whose employment was terminated was personally and permanently involved in disruptive activities inside our buildings.”

#Google #Fires #Employees #Protesting #Nimbus #Project #Israel



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