That’s what Hirscher says about his comeback

That’s what Hirscher says about his comeback

Marcel Hirscher’s comeback in ski racing is making waves, and the 35-year-old from Salzburg is now trying to slow down the speculation. The ski star, who will compete for the Netherlands in the future, spoke in a broadcast under the title “Marcel Hirscher is considering returning to racing”. It is said that it is conceivable to start ski racing once more “sporadically” in the future.

More on this: ÖSV confirms: Hirscher will start for the Netherlands in the future

“I retired five years ago and am now 35 years old – you have to classify my idea accordingly: I would like the opportunity to race every now and then, simply because I enjoy it,” says Hischer, describing his motivation. His return to racing is still a theory. However, as a precautionary measure, he has already made the organizational decisions in order to be eligible to start at all.

In partnership with the Austrian Ski Association and the Nederlandse Ski Vereniging (NSV), a sensible solution emerged for the implementation of his project:

As the holder of an Austrian and Dutch passport – his mother is Dutch – Hirscher will take advantage of the option to officially compete for the Dutch Ski Association in the future.

more on the subject

Alpine skiing

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VIENNA. The news of Marcel Hirscher’s planned comeback as an active ski racer was announced on Wednesday in the middle of his vacation weeks…

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“The future of the ÖSV belongs to the young athletes”

“Having this opportunity creates the greatest synergy for everyone: the future in the ÖSV belongs to the young athletes and that’s why I don’t want resources to be tied up, exceptions made or starting places kept free because of me. I am in good terms with the ÖSV and grateful for that everything we have achieved – my new project is easier to implement in Holland,” says Hirscher. And points to an additional added value of the solution in the interests of both countries: The enthusiasm for skiing in the Netherlands is enormous; with 2.2 million skiers and 6.7 million overnight stays in Austrian ski resorts every year, the country is one of the strongest source markets for domestic winter tourism.

Also read: Marcel Hirscher apparently regarding to make a World Cup comeback

“Marcel has achieved enormous things for skiing”

“As the ÖSV, we have of course tried very hard to offer Marcel Hirscher the best possible and individual conditions in the event of a return to Alpine racing and were able to explain these to him in a personal exchange. Of course we very much regret his decision, but in the end we have “We also supported Marcel’s decision. Marcel has done enormous things for skiing worldwide, in Austria and for the ÖSV. In appreciation of this and in the spirit of the internationality of skiing, the ÖSV Presidential Conference agreed to his request for a change to the association,” says Christian Scherer, General Secretary of the ÖSV.

Frits Avis, Secretary General of the Dutch Ski Association, explains: “The fact that Marcel Hirscher intends to compete for the Dutch Ski Association is an absolute honor and an impulse of social value for our country. Marcel is a global icon and inspiration for all skiers : Interest, enthusiasm and pride in the Netherlands will increase, young talents will see how dreams can come true and our best skiers will have a role model in him that will help them grow beyond themselves. We would like to thank Marcel and especially for this perspective our friends from the Austrian Ski Association, who supported and made this solution possible.”

After the partnership agreement at association level, the next step is to send an official application to change the license registration to the responsible FIS Council.


Christoph Zöpfl

Head of sports department

Christoph Zöpfl

Christoph Zöpfl


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