Asunción, IP Agency.- The three departments of the Paraguayan Chaco, Presidente Hayes, Boquerón and Alto Paraguay, concentrate around 11,460 MSMEs, the vast majority of which are dedicated to the primary sector, according to data from the Formalization Bulletin.
The Paraguayan Chaco showed significant progress in the increase and diversification of its economy in recent years, with the agricultural sector as its main sector to date.
Within this circle of growth, micro, small and medium-sized companies also play a fundamental role in promoting the development of this region.
The department of Presidente Hayes concentrates 1.4% of all MSMEs in the country, with some 4,962 businesses. Of this total, 84% are microbusinesses, 4,161 businesses; while regarding 700 are small, equivalent to 14%; and the remaining 2%, some 101 businesses, are medium-sized companies, the report highlights.
33% of the MSMEs in the fifteenth department work in commerce; 30% is dedicated to the primary sector, followed by the services sector, which concentrates 26%, only 11% is in the secondary sector.
Regarding the population of the district, it has a total of 126,880 inhabitants, consolidating itself as the most populated department in the western region.
At the level of formalization, the department is 2 percentage points above the national average.
This panorama shows the active presence of small businesses in the region, as well as a higher level of formalization compared to the national average, reveals data from the Formalization Bulletin of the Vice Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) made official by the MIC.
#SMEs #operate #Paraguayan #Chaco
2024-04-24 19:37:34