Reassessing Priorities: A $20 Million Perspective on Family and Money

2024-04-23 22:28:15

An Internet user of almost 50 years old and with a fortune of 20 million bluntly declared that what matters most to him now are his parents, his wife and his children, and that he no longer just wants money. money as he thought when he was young. The picture is a schematic diagram, not related to current affairs.Reporter Zeng Yuanxin/Photography

A netizen recently posted on PTT that 20 million is an astronomical number for most people. If you invest properly in stocks and receive dividends every year, you probably won’t need to work anymore. 20 million goods? “What do you know about it?” In response to this, a nearly 50-year-old netizen also wrote a reply to share his life experience, saying that what he cares about most now is his parents and his female. and children, instead of what he thought when he was young, he only wants money.

“Deposits plus shares, thanks to the change in the exchange rate, it barely reaches 20 million.” The original OP said that since his family background was not as good as his classmates when he was a child, and his development after entering society was largely lost to his classmates or the same period, so he lived a relatively economical life, not only do I often cook alone, I buy current products in supermarkets, and I go to the OUTLET about twice a year to buy out-of-season clothes. I usually let my wife drive a TOYOTA to work, while I buy a TPASS, take public transportation and drive a YouBike to work.

The original OP thought age could determine his thoughts, but now he only thinks about his parents and his children, especially his parents. He pointed out that his parents are obviously getting older these days, and they often take time off to take their parents to see various illnesses. However, children who study in college do not study well and look indifferent. room and close the door if they do not agree. As for my wife, she is very reliable. She basically doesn’t need to intervene in daily housework, but apart from that, it seems that not everything can be done by others, and she needs to be attentive to various situations at all times.

“The most desperate thing is my parents’ situation,” remembers the first OP. His father was once a good athlete, he took his children to the field. He is now old and obese. She still needs help seeing doctors. But he still shows his strength. She said it wasn’t necessary; her mother, who has always been a smart housekeeper, took her to negotiate with the boss for half an hour in a toy store when she was. a child. Now she forgets everything, but she never forgets to simmer her children’s favorite silky ginseng and chicken soup.

Speaking of current concerns, the original OP, who is an only child, is concerned that her parents are considering long-term care. Will there be enough money available for medical treatment and care? What would they do if they left? On the other hand, as a husband, he also worries that his wife has a docile personality, a simple working environment, and has never cared about big things or money. If he leaves, will she be able to cope? As a father, if his children cannot study, it will be difficult to find a job in the future, the salary is low and the expenses and housing prices are high, how can I help them?

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The original OP said frankly that if he wanted money when he was young and all he wanted was money, he thought having money could solve everything, but now he has money. ‘money. Think about it, what he wants most is to “breathe” and “share”. “. He thinks that education largely determines a person’s spending habits. He can’t spend a lot of money, but after calculation, “there doesn’t seem to be much money to spend.”

As soon as the post was published, it immediately aroused the resonance of a large number of netizens: “I’m crying, please repost the onion article”, “I am also from the generation sandwich, help QQ”, “I feel very sad”, “I am not yet your age, but I feel that I understand you a lot”, “Thank you for your hard work, I am very touched”, “When I ‘saw the last three lines, my heart was really sad” Netizens also reminded that “good health is the most important asset”, “I am really old when I am old” You must pay attention to your health . “ “You have to take good care of yourself when you have time!” “Staying healthy is the best asset for the next generation.”

[Voir le lien d’origine]

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