The Truth About the Potato Diet: Pros, Cons, and Does it Actually Work for Weight Loss?

The Truth About the Potato Diet: Pros, Cons, and Does it Actually Work for Weight Loss?

2024-04-24 14:10:00

The potato diet is a weight reduction method where you only eat potatoes for three to five days. But can you lose weight sustainably with it? We will tell you what is behind the potato diet and take a critical look at the pros and cons. Find out if it actually works to lose weight with potatoes, and which cooking methods are best.

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Lose weight with potatoes: This is how the potato diet works

As the name suggests, this diet is all regarding the starchy tuber. There are different diet variations, but one particularly popular one comes from author Tim Steele. In its “Potato Hack” version Eat only potatoes for three to five days – in fact between 0.9 and 2.3 kilograms daily. The potatoes should be without fat prepared and consumed without toppings such as butter, sour cream or ketchup. Other foods such as fruit, vegetables, meat and Spice is taboo these days. Only salt is allowed if it really has to be – but Steele advises avoiding it.

For something milder version of the diet you can also low-fat prepared vegetables, lean meat or steamed fish include in your menu. In this form, the potato diet lasts for a week. In addition, you can do something Fruit, eggs and lean quark eat. To compensate, reduce the daily amount of potatoes to 0.6 to 1.0 kilograms. That’s still a significant amount – because the German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends a daily intake of just 200 to 250 grams of potatoes.

In itself, eating a lot of potatoes is not unhealthy. However, you can with them does not cover all important nutrients. The tubers only have a protein content of two percent, which is well below the requirement for essential amino acids. In addition, they contain almost no fat, which means that the need for essential fatty acids is not met either. Furthermore, it lacks the vital vitamin B12.

In the video: The crushed potato trend from the internet is so delicious

The disadvantages of the potato diet

The strict potato diet is one of the so-called The mono diet, who rely on an extremely one-sided and low-calorie diet to force the body to access its fat reserves. At least that’s the theory. In reality, however, the body reacts first Glycogen back, a form of carbohydrates, which stores three times its weight in water. This leads to the fact that initially a lot of water is lost instead of fat – and the potatoes also contribute to drainage.

As with other mono-diets, the body is not supplied with sufficient nutrients and promotes very one-sided food choices Food cravings. In addition, the potato diet entails an increased risk of Yo-Yo Effectif you then go back to your previous diet. Last but not least, it gives no opportunity to change eating habits in the long term – a decisive factor for healthy and sustainable weight loss.

Given these drawbacks, the strict potato diet is by no means recommended. It is more advisable to go for a balanced and varied diet to sit. If you enjoy eating potatoes, you can continue to do so, as they are very healthy and can help you lose weight.

Do potatoes really help you lose weight?

Potatoes are considered fattening due to their high carbohydrate content. They actually contain fewer carbohydrates than, for example, pasta or rice. This is also reflected in their calorific value: 100 grams of potatoes provide 73 kilocalories – less than the same amount of cooked rice (127 kilocalories) or cooked pasta (143 kilocalories). Potatoes are just starting to grow Calorie bombsfor example when they are fried.

By the way: Other foods also have an unfairly bad reputation.

Another reason why it is possible to lose weight with potatoes is that they are found in the vegetable Strength must first be broken down in the body. It takes a certain amount of time for the long carbohydrate chains to break down into their individual building blocks. Therefore, the tubers saturate for a long time and help Prevent food cravings.

Last but not least, potatoes get points for their abundance healthy ingredientsincluding B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid, Magnesiumiron and high quality protein. Due to the high potassium content, potatoes can even dehydrating work: This mineral, as a counterpart to sodium, regulates the body’s water balance and supports it excretion excess fluid through the kidneys. Especially blue and purple potato varieties shine with many Antioxidants, which can reduce the risk of disease. By the way: potatoes are one of them mood-enhancing foods and also suitable for one Gallic days.

These are other healthy vegetables:

Potatoes in comparison: Which potato is the healthiest?

Variants with colorful bowl Due to their higher density of flavonoids, they are generally considered healthier than pure light varieties. The colorful varieties include wild potatoes, Blue Elsa, Blue Mauritius, Rosara and Rheinische Rote.

Generally included Party-cooking potato variety fewer carbohydrates than flour. Chilled potatoes also contain significantly fewer carbohydrates compared to hot versions. This is because as it cools, it will… Structure the starch it contains changes. It is then metabolized by the organism in a different way. We will explain how.

Boiled potatoes vs. cold potatoes – which have fewer calories?

As it cools, some of the starch crystallizes, creating the so-called resistant starch occurs. Due to its different chemical structure, it passes undigested through the small intestine, allowing the body to eat automatically fewer kilocalories be available. Instead, it enters the colon and serves its beneficial purposes there bacteria as food. These produce short-chain fatty acids, which are once more important Energy source for our intestinal mucosa and protect it from inflammation.

So if you want to take advantage of the health benefits of potatoes, but… Carbohydrate content If you want to reduce weight for a slim figure, you rely on the effect of resistant starch. At least leave the potatoes twelve hours Leave to cool, preferably overnight in the fridge. The next day, you can use the potatoes to make dishes such as fried potatoes, potato salad or potato casserole.

Read more regarding “resistant starch” here:

Preparation is essential

The optimal ways to prepare potatoes are – due to their low calorie content – oven-baked potatoes, jacket potatoes and cooled, boiled potatoes. Toppings such as lean quark or crème légère as well as fresh garden herbs or finely chopped raw vegetables such as cucumber, celery or carrots provide variety and extra vitamins and minerals.

For those who are on crazy varieties If you don’t want to go without, you have the option to drizzle pre-cooked potato slices with a few drops of olive oil and then use them Bake in the oven until golden brown. If you want to lose weight with potatoes, you should French friesfried potatoes, potato buns and potato gratin with cheese are best off the menu. Mashed potatoes only recommended during a diet if it is included Vegetable broth is mixed instead of butter and milk and has little or no salt.

In the video: How to cook potatoes in the microwave

Is it better to peel potatoes?

Unlike tomatoes or apples, it increases Health value not if the potato peel is eaten. On the contrary: not exfoliating carries the risk of producing increased amounts Solanine to record. This natural poison of the plant is mainly formed directly under the shell and in the bacteria. Normally, even through special breeding, potatoes contain only a small amount of solanine. Especially if Kinderill or older people However, experts at the Consumer Advice Center recommend peeling the potatoes.

Biological value: This is how you cleverly combine the amino acids in potatoes with other food

Although 100 grams of potatoes only around two percent protein contained, this is extremely high quality because the human organism can effectively convert it into the body’s own protein. This biological value depends on which one essential amino acids found in food and can even be increased through clever food combinations. The following amino acids are found in potatoes:

  • Tryptophan
  • Phenylalanine
  • Tyrosine
  • Threonine
  • Lysine
  • Isoleucine
  • Answer
  • Methionine
  • Cysteine
  • Histidine
  • Leucine

For example, the amino acid pattern complements each other optimally if you Potatoes with eggs, dairy products or soy (e.g. tofu). So treat yourself more often Jacket potatoes with quark or serve with the potato salad Fried egg. In this way, you supply your body with high-quality protein. This is how you ensure that during a diet no Muscle mass broken down instead of fat.

Delicious Potato Recipe Ideas

Get inspired by these delicious potato dishes:

Conclusion: How useful is the potato diet and can you actually lose weight with potatoes?

Potatoes are not only very filling, but also contain many important ingredients nutrient. A feeling of fullness makes it easier to avoid sweets following eating. However, it is not recommended to stay longer than one week to stick to the potato diet. Through a one-sided diet you can Deficiency symptoms see you later. Potatoes mainly promote water excretion, not the breakdown of fat. After returning to normal eating habits, there is also a risk of Yo-Jo effects. Therefore, it makes more sense to consider potatoes as a healthy part of one balanced diet to consume.

Our advice: Combine potatoes with quark or eggs and add vegetables, salad, herbs, vegetable fat, nuts and seeds. This is a healthier version of the potato diet and still offers the possibility of weight loss in combination with adequate exercise.

Mono diets such as the strict potato diet are not recommended. Instead, include healthy vegetables in your diet and use them to replace pasta or rice, for example.

When is the best time to eat potatoes?

There is no specific time for consuming potatoes. They go well with any meal and provide a healthy source of carbohydrates. The preparation method and the accessories are crucial for losing weight.

How many potatoes can I eat?

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends a daily consumption of 200 to 250 grams of potatoes. This corresponds to approximately four small or two to three medium-sized potatoes.

Are boiled potatoes better for weight loss?

Boiled potatoes are a low-fat and nutrient-dense alternative. They are also very filling. But remember that success in losing weight depends on your overall diet and calorie consumption.

Is rice better for losing weight than potatoes?

Boiled potatoes tend to have fewer calories than boiled rice. However, both are nutritious options when consumed in moderation and with healthy side dishes. There are approximately 127 kilocalories on the plate if you serve 100 grams of cooked rice. By comparison, the same amount of potatoes contains regarding 73 calories.

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