Full Pink Moon: when and at what time can it be seen in Argentina

The full Moon in April is also known as the Pink Moon (Photo: AP)

The Moon is our only natural satellite and the largest celestial body orbiting a planet in the Solar System. Historically it surprises and marvels us with eclipses, its phases and its brightness. The Full Moon is a lunar phase that occurs approximately every month. And when it happens in April it is also known as the Pink Full Moon.

But it does not change its color to a real pink, rather the name comes from ancient native communities in North America. During this time in North America, phlox subulata or pink moss blooms, which is a species of wildflower. In ancient times, native peoples related what happened with the lunar phases to other natural events. The Maine Farmer’s Almanac, in charge of naming full Moons, chose this name for the April Full Moon.

It is also known as the Easter Moon, since there are times when the event occurs near Easter celebrations. But this year it falls a few weeks before the full moon, on Sunday, March 31. The full moon is the astronomical phenomenon that occurs on full moons.

The April lunar calendar has already completed three of its four phases: only the full Moon is missing. First, on Tuesday, April 2, the Moon went through its last quarter. Then, on Monday, April 8, there was a new moon. While on Monday, April 15, there was a crescent. The next full Moon is highly anticipated despite happening month following month. This is because last month coincided with a penumbral lunar eclipse.

The Pink Full Moon can be appreciated without the need for sophisticated elements. The only recommendation is to get away from light pollution to be able to see the Moon better.

The Pink Moon is also known as the Easter Moon.

The next Pink Full Moon will be on April 23 and will rise at 8:49 p.m. in Argentina (23:49 GMT).

The full moon phase lasts an estimated three days. Generally the effect of this phase is felt one day before and one day following its peak.

The Full Moon phase occurs because the Earth is aligned between the Sun and the Moon. This causes the visible side of the Moon to be completely illuminated.

The Full Moon of the month of May will occur on Thursday the 23rd at 3:53 p.m., Argentine time (6:53 p.m. GMT).



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