European superstate has failed – – 2024-04-24 10:04:35

European superstate has failed – 
 – 2024-04-24 10:04:35

Conference on the New World Order

Over the past five years, the EU has developed into a superstate that is increasingly restricting the sovereignty of its member states.

This point of view was presented by Balázs Orbán, political director of the Prime Minister, at a conference organized by the NKE Administrative University. Orbán sharply criticized the EU leadership, accusing it of hiding behind the slogan “Let’s be united” and relentlessly striving for more power. At the same time, she is unable to find effective solutions to the pressing problems.

Co-determination in border protection criticized

The political director was particularly critical of migration policy, where Brussels wanted to have a say in border protection. Albania and Serbia are expected to give up their sovereignty to an extent that cannot be accepted by the border states. In his opinion, the EU also makes incorrect decisions when it comes to energy and raw material supplies. This leads to high prices and a weakening of the competitiveness of the Member States. This development cannot be accepted by the countries that fought for their national independence.

Illusory idea

Hungary’s vision is to return to rational decision-making and promote relationship building rather than relying on ideology and creating blockages. From the Hungarian perspective, the idea of ​​a European superstate has proven to be illusory. Orbán emphasized that no serious threat might currently be expected from the north. Defending the country’s security and independence is a priority task of the Hungarian government.

Dwindling global importance of the EU

Jacek Bartosiak, managing director of the Polish geopolitical research institute Strategy and Future, commented on the EU’s global role. China wants to take over global leadership from the United States and rewrite the rules of the international community in its own interests. He warned that by losing its strategic autonomy, Europe risks waking up one day to find that it no longer has a say in the world’s most important affairs. He described Germany’s situation as precarious and noted that Poland would also like to carefully reposition itself in Europe.

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