“Generous treatment given to a few” –

“It seems to me that Giorgia Meloni has said definitive words, those who have been ostracized or censored will never ask for censorship for others”. This is how Gennaro Sangiuliano expresses himself on the case of Antonio Scurati and the lack of intervention in Rai. The Minister of Culture, interviewed by the Messaggero, also recalls that “when Scurati won the Premio Strega, in 2019, I was director of Tg2 and we dedicated two reports to him, with a very favorable tone, one of which was written by Adriano Monti Buzzetti, We then broadcast an interview with the writer. Few have had such generous treatment.”

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Therefore, the government representative further observes, “in my opinion, since I do not decide anything on the matter, Scurati must be able to go to Rai and speak freely”. “The economic one – he continues – is another issue, the details of which I don’t know. When I often observe that films are made with public contributions and millionaire compensation to the directors that end up as gigantic flops, I am not discussing the artistic freedom of the directors but the correct use of Italian money. In one case, as many as 29 million were committed for a film, of which 9 million were public contributions, which was seen by very few spectators. If I say that Usigrai has yet to clarify the matter of the one hundred thousand euros that disappeared from the coffers, there were also the fees paid by me, I am not attacking the freedom of the press”.

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In the interview, Sangiuliano observes that “anti-fascism, which is certainly a value, has been monopolized by the communists and now by the neo-communists. The Resistance was not just made by communists. I am taking part in April 25th, just as I went to the Fosse Ardeatine for the eightieth anniversary of the massacre and as I was last April 13th at the tomb of Rolando Rivi, the seminarian aged just 14, murdered by partisans in Emilia, just because Catholic. He was beatified by Pope Francis who declared him a ‘martyr’. There is a judicial truth regarding this matter, a sentence condemned two partisans. I’m waiting for ANPI to come with me to commemorate little Rolando.”

#Generous #treatment #Tempo
2024-04-24 09:47:34



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