Rehabilitation Journey of Wout van Aert and Remco Evenepoel: A Story of Resilience at LAB Antwerp

2024-04-23 19:45:40

Surprisingly, although they can no longer meet each other in races at the moment, Wout van Aert and Remco Evenepoel are now crossing paths at the LAB center in Antwerp. It is there, in the company of Thijs Hertsens, the physiotherapist whom they have learned to trust, that they work diligently on their rehabilitation. “Two days following their operation, I was already at work with Wout and Remco” says Thijs Hertsens, who does not hesitate to post videos or photos of his “students” in the middle of the sessions, in which they participate three times a week.

Van Aert spoke to Hertsens following his heavy fall during the time trial in Pau, at the Tour de France 2019. Evenepoel’s partnership goes back to 2020, following his terrible “dive” at the Tour of Lombardy. We remember that the first broke his collarbone, ribs and sternum following tasting bitumen during “A Travers la Flandres” on March 27. He suffered a bruised lung and severe abrasions. Remco Evenepoel broke his collarbone and shoulder blade during a turn in the Tour du Pays Basque on April 4. Both were operated on at the Herentals clinic, so it was logical once morest Thijs Hertsens that the two runners turned for rehabilitation. “The first days following the accident, I went to their house because they had problems getting around,” explains the latter. “Although there was not much they might do at the time, it was important to assess the nature of the injuries. »

“I have to make sure they don’t do too much, too soon.”

Thijs Hertsen’sPhysiotherapist at LAB Antwerp

Another medical assessment, but the two riders are already back, cautiously, on their bikes, just three to four weeks following their respective accidents.

Evenepoel is limited to rolls for now. Van Aert’s return can be followed on the cycling app “Strava”. On Wednesday 17 April he took his first mountain bike ride. Three days later he replaced it with his racing bike: more than 46 kilometers in 1h36. Monday 22 March: 69.3 kilometers in 2h05. Tuesday 23 March: 93.2 km in 2h48. The final outing was accompanied by a triumphant comment: “Almost back to the pros!” »

“Almost” back…

– Almost because there is still a way to go, continues Hertsens. “Both want to get back as quickly as possible to the level they had when they fell. But everything takes time, I have to make sure they don’t do too much in consultation with the doctors at Herental’s hospital, who I report to every week. I also reports to their teams. No stages of rehab are left out. My job is to get them to the point where they can handle endurance training and heavier blocks on the bike. So I offer them the consequence of the accident should not be underestimated.”

“They turned the page very quickly”

Van Aert’s injuries were more serious than Evenepoel’s, but when it comes to rehabilitation there is no difference. – Both have a very positive attitude. Of course, it’s not easy when you fall out of shape and are reduced to a period of inactivity. But they quickly turned the page. »

Hertsens does not know, or cannot say, where the two riders are in rehabilitation. Evenepoel hinted in a podcast last week that he will resume real cycling training next week. He will then return to training at altitude, participate in the Critérium du Dauphiné or the Tour de Suisse, and will go to the Tour de France, following another training at altitude. Much less is known regarding Van Aert. – We are looking at what is possible and realistic, but no decision has been made regarding it yet, concludes Hertsens.

The saying, you must be patient, has never been more important.

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“Almost back to the pros”: Wout van Aert has resumed away training! (video)

#Wout #Remco #thinking #driving #car



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