Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, you have unexpected developments in your work – 2024-04-23 20:36:34

Today will be quite difficult or at least demanding, with the square of the Sun in Taurus with Pluto in Aquarius leading the way, which brings us face to face with “evil” and forces us to realize that only when something comes to an end, is it done a new beginning, we must, therefore, end with pathologies, persons and situations that “drag” for a long time.

In addition, there will be enough revelations, which may hurt us, but may be the ones that push us to make final decisions or give an ultimatum. It is not excluded that we become absolute, vindictive or experience unpleasant events that will mark us.

On the other hand, however, if we have aces hidden up our sleeve and decide to use them to face “enemies”, competitors and rivals, then the victory will be total.

On the same day, the rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction takes place, which will have a long-term impact both on a personal and cosmic level.


Today the conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus in your 2nd is completed and you will have the opportunity through unexpected events to increase your income. It’s time to take risks but also to get rid of responsibilities that violate your values. Nevertheless, you should not overdo it because in parallel with the square of the Sun from your 2nd with Pluto from your 11th which will also be completed today, it will bring pressure that you may not be able to withstand from people who have power and authority. Because opportunities for financial support will be presented to you, it may be one of the few times that your action should be more controlled, even if you feel enthusiasm, optimism and belief in yourself.


With the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in your 1st, you will take the initiative to remove from your life people who oppress you to express your personality. Various events will suddenly arise through which you will be presented with opportunities for expansion. You will have luck, a new cycle will open and your spiritual horizons will expand through new exciting experiences. However, especially for today if you are working, you should be careful because with the square of the Sun from your 1st with Pluto from your 10th, you may be pressured by your employer in his/her attempt to manipulate to bring you up to his standards and above all to test your endurance.


With the conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus in your 12th, you will have protection once morest behind-the-scenes moves once morest you and at the same time you will awaken on an inner level to leave behind phobias, insecurities and obsessions that affect you psychologically. You will be freed from secrets, dilemmas and anxieties and you will discover new aspects of yourself that were well hidden within you. At the same time as the meeting, the square of the Sun from your 12th with Pluto from your 9th is also completed and it is possible that you will receive strong pressure due to a legal case that is bothering you or for a trip abroad and in this part, you will acquire new phobias regarding things that have to be done without having the will and endurance to manage them.


The conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus in your 11th will affect you quite positively. Your circle of acquaintances will expand through sudden meetings with important people who will help you expand your spiritual horizons and unhook from relationships that limit and bind you. There will be opportunities for changes in your life through new goals and visions that help you in the professional field as well. At the same time, today the square of the Sun, which has now passed through your 11th, with Pluto through your 8th, and which during the day will put pressure on you for financial matters, is completed. Another case is to feel strong passion for someone from your friendly environment and start to push with your attitude.


The conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus in your 10th will bring you the opportunities you have been waiting for to change situations that limit you and do not allow you to develop in the career field. You will take risks that used to scare you and luck will favor you to successfully carry out your plans. A promotion may come, or if you’re a freelancer, your career may skyrocket. This can mean that one partnership has to end and another one takes its place, which is very likely to happen through the square of the Sun in your 10th with Pluto in your 7th. In the emotional sector, your partner may press for your career issues and through his pressure, you will make the decision to make changes that will benefit you.


Today the favorable conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus in your 9th is completed to bring you new exciting experiences in the form of sudden events. You may change your philosophy and adopt a new attitude towards life, more optimistic which will bring an air of renewal since it is likely that you will move away from responsibilities and obligations of your everyday life that make your life more boring. For example, you can organize a trip abroad to change performances and gain new and exciting experiences. At the same time, today the square of the Sun from your 9th with Pluto from your 6th will be completed to emphasize even more your need to escape from your daily routine that puts you under unbearable pressure.


Today the favorable conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in your 8th is peaking to bring pleasant developments in the financial sector and especially in the money coming through others into your pocket. So it is possible to be favored by an inheritance case, to repay a loan and be freed from installments and money that you used to pay regularly or even to get an extra bonus from a partnership. On a personal and psychological level, you will put aside phobias and insecurities and your relationship will also improve in the love field, while it is not completely impossible to suddenly fall in love with someone. Today also completes the square of the Sun from your 8th with Pluto from your 5th and you are likely to receive strong pressure from your children for financial issues.


A rather important and favorable aspect is peaking for you today and none other than that of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your 7th, to bring sudden and pleasant upheavals in the emotional sector and in your interpersonal relationships in general. This means that either your relationship will take another turn and be renewed, or for you who are unattached, that you will meet a new love that “promises” new, pleasant and exciting moments, while it is possible that it will emerge as manna from sky a new partnership with growth and development prospects for you. However, because today the square of the Sun from your 7th with Pluto from your 4th will be completed, it is possible that you will receive strong pressure from your family in relation to your feelings and your partner.


With the conjunction of Jupiter/Uranus peaking in your 6th, the house related to your daily obligations and health, you will have unexpected positive developments in your work matters, either because you will be relieved of excess obligations, or because you will take on new ones that they will renew your everyday life more pleasantly. You’ll be more productive and may even incorporate exercise into your life and completely change your daily diet to become healthier. In parallel with the meeting, today the square of the Sun from your 6th with Pluto from your 3rd is completed and it is possible that a case related to your relatives will spoil your mood while it is possible that a transaction you will carry out will put pressure on you and not turn out as well as you would like.


Today the favorable conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in your 5th is completed to bring unexpected positive developments in the love sector through lightning-fast loves and expression of your personality through creative pursuits. There may even be an unexpected pregnancy that will significantly change your life while in general you will have pleasant events and the favor of luck. If you already have children, you will spend new pleasant experiences together, possibly through their efforts to become more independent and autonomous. The square that will peak today and that of the Sun from your 5th with Pluto from your 2nd, pushes you to be careful in investments and financial risks that you should avoid at least for today because it is likely that you will have losses and to be even more financially stressed.


A rather important and favorable conjunction culminates for you today in your 4th of Jupiter with Uranus, which will bring you unexpected developments in the family and at home. You may change residence and become independent from your parents, make some pleasant changes in the existing house and generally be favored by your relationship with your parents through a transfer of property, or even money they give you. In general, there will be a revolutionary mood on the part that will benefit you and open up new opportunities for development. However, because today also completes the square of the Sun from your 4th with Pluto from your 1st, during the day you may exert suffocating pressure on people who are very closely connected to you.


With the conjunction of Jupiter/Uranus peaking today in your 3rd, completely unexpected events give another dimension to your daily life, to the way you think and perceive people and situations. Your thoughts and ideas will become more optimistic and at the same time advanced, resulting in new acquaintances and accepting proposals and agreements that will benefit you. Therefore, new partnerships and opportunities to renew contracts that will also benefit you on a professional level. With the Sun square in your 3rd with Pluto in your 12th, if you continue to not confide fears and insecurities it will be difficult to change your way of thinking and since this influence will not last long, be sure to open up and release repressed things from within for to feel more liberated in general.

Source: astrology.gr

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