Unemployment insurance: a new turn of the screw from July 1

2024-04-22 16:59:25

Gabriel Attal had promised him a limited lifespan. She won’t even see the light of day! Taking note of the failure of negotiations between social partners at Medef on career paths and employment of seniors, the government considered that their November unemployment insurance agreement would remain a dead letter. Consequence: the Ministry of Labor takes control and plans, following a short consultation phase, to implement new compensation rules from 1is July.

“The social partners did not manage to find an agreement in the negotiations relating to the Life at Work Pact, which focused on the employment of seniors, professional retraining and the universal time savings account (Cetu). The government regrets this disagreement and takes note of it,” the Ministry of Labor said in a press release on Monday. Without waiting for the outcome, very probably positive this Tuesday, of the rebound of this negotiation at U2P, on a narrowed field it is true (Cetu and professional reconversions).

Deficiency decree

The outcome of the negotiation on the employment of seniors conditioned, through a somewhat complex game of drawers, the entry into force on 1is July of the November agreement on the Unédic convention, an agreement which therefore falls in the eyes of the executive. To secure the situation in accordance with the Labor Code, the compensation rules for the unemployed which will apply from this deadline will therefore be decided, as in 2018, by default decree and for three years. In short, for the entire end of the five-year term.

Consultation with social partners must be carried out while respecting last summer’s framework document – including its financial prerequisites – to feed into the future deficiency decree. While waiting to know its content, we at least know its direction, that of a new turn of the screw for the unemployed, to the great dismay of the unions.

Since he was appointed, Gabriel Attal has insisted that the current rules do not provide enough incentive to return to work while companies still complain regarding not finding workers. “These rules will aim to contribute to the achievement of full employment and to promote the rapid return to employment of unemployed people receiving compensation,” confirmed the Ministry of Labor, taking great care to ensure that at this stage nothing It’s decided.

Not less than 12 months

Among the avenues put forward by the Prime Minister is that of a further reduction in the maximum compensation period “by several months but not below 12”, he tempered, even if it meant raising criticism within the majority . It is currently 18 months up to 53 years, but a reduction would risk weakening workers who are far from the job market.

Relatedly, the age limits giving rise to a longer duration of compensation (22 and a half months between 53 and 55 years, 27 months beyond) will be shifted by two years to take into account the pension reform. Nothing legally prohibits other measures from being taken for unemployed seniors.

Another avenue holds ground, that of a revision of the eligibility conditions, that is to say the minimum number of months of work necessary to receive an allowance. This number has already been tightened in 2021, going from 4 months out of the 27 preceding the opening of unemployment rights, to 6 months out of the 24. Even if the government denies wanting to carry out a budgetary reform, this avenue provides, in fact, savings much more quickly than that of the duration of compensation.

In a press release entitled “Whoever wants to kill their dog accuses it of rabies”, FO condemned the ministry’s decision to shift responsibility for its refusal to approve the convention to the social partners. “Taking the pretext of the failure of negotiations on the Life at Work Pact […]the executive seizes this opportunity to take control of the rules of unemployment insurance […] even though this failure is directly linked to constant and repeated government interference throughout this latest negotiation,” denounced the union.

For its part, the CGT stressed that the future deficiency decree, the seventh since 2018, goes “always in the same direction”, that of “the reduction of rights to make savings at the expense of beneficiaries”.

#Unemployment #insurance #turn #screw #July



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