Social listening analyzes conversations on social networks about the new government – 2024-04-23 01:31:34

In order to know what the conversation has been on social networks in relation to the government of Bernardo Arévalo in his first hundred days of administration, the company Intertación Digital, at the request of Prensa Libre, carried out a social listening session.

Through the Goo tool, the company defined a listening parameter from January 15 to April 16, reviewing social networks (socialstream) and pages, blogs and other digital channels (mediastream).

To determine what is discussed on social networks, mentions and reach are established. The first should be understood as the number of times the keyword has been used in a publication, while the reach is the number of people who saw it.

The search was not general; It was necessary to delimit the universe to be more precise regarding the topic being analyzed, and keywords were chosen through the Goo tool.

These identified conversations on social networks related to the president, Arévalo, President Bernardo, President Arévalo, president, presidency, governor, THE GOVERNMENT, government of Guatemala, the government, 100diasdegobierno, Bernardo Arévalo, Karin Herrera, Movimiento Semilla, vice president, # MovimientoSemilla, @barevalodeleon, @KarinHerreraVP, GuatemalaSaleAdelante.

The results

The results of this social listening allow us to determine an absolute truth: mentions in relation to the presidential duo and the party that brought them to power, Movimiento Semilla, have been reduced compared to the months prior to the inauguration.

However, the scope also reflects that conversations around Vice President Herrera have increased since the inauguration, at the same time that mentions of the ruling party are decreasing.

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