People’s Opinion Session Reveals 5 Types of Election Irregularities – 2024-04-22 17:22:34

Masses from various elements held a demonstration in front of the People’s Representative Council (DPR) Building, (MI / Susanto)

RESULTS The People’s Opinion Session explained that there were 5 types of fundamental irregularities in the election. First, violations of ethics and principles of electoral justice. Second, there is a violation of the principle of neutrality of state officials in elections.

“Third, abuse of power through state institutions and state resources. Fourth, violation of the neutrality of election organizers who are independent, professional, have integrity as well as effective and efficient and fifth, irregularities in conditioning one round scenario,” said Professor Sulistyowati Irianto who represented the Jakarta Axis People’s Opinion Session -Jogjakarta to media crew via zoom meeting, Sunday (21/4).

The results of this trial encourage the chairman and members of the panel of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI) to resolve disputes over the results of the 2024 Presidential Election. According to him, the Constitutional Court must consider all voices of public criticism.

“Public criticism of the policies and actions of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, is considered to have violated political ethics in democratic, national and state life,” he explained.

Apart from that, Sulistyowati said that in resolving disputes over the results of the 2024 Presidential Election, the Constitutional Court must prioritize the values ​​of the constitution (1945 Constitution), ethical values, substance and justice in the election process and results which are not only formalities, equality and representation of citizens involved in the process electoral democracy.

“Integrity that is anti-corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) enforces the law and resolves election disputes fairly and on time,” he explained.

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For your information, apart from the name of Prof. Sulis, the People’s Opinion Session of the Jakarta – Jogjakarta Axis also has other opinions from parties who have expertise in their fields, such as, Prof. Ramlan Surbakti, Prof. R. Siti Zuhro, Dr. Sukidi, Dr. Busyro Muqoddas, Prof. Zainal Arifin Mochtar, Bambang Eka Cahya Widodo, SIP, MSi., and Prof. Fathul Wahid.

Furthermore, the People’s Opinion Session delivered the following conclusions and recommendations:

1. Declare that all efforts to change the law when the election stage has entered the election are prohibited and cannot be justified.

a. Any form of sudden rule change during the election period contains a conflict of interest and weakens the integrity of the election.

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b. This prohibition is needed so that this method is not repeated in subsequent elections, thus damaging the foundations of democracy and election integrity.

2. Declare that the President violated the constitution through abuse of power by interfering in the process before, during and following the election.

a. Binding the president to one rule that can limit the methods of manipulation of election law, voter awareness, vote counting, and election manipulation that utilizes resources such as public budgets and state institutions such as the police to influence voters.

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b. Prevent the instrumentalization of TNI/Polri and ASN institutions in elections to influence voters regarding their choices through all forms of persuasion, material and non-material transactions.

c. Prevent presidential interference in lobbying, election campaigns, or aligning government programs with candidate programs.

3. Declare that the 2024 election is an unfair election due to the nepotistic political practices of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore:

a. Revoking MKRI Decision No. 90 of 2023 which changes the requirements for candidates for President and Vice President to be under 40 years old, but have experience as state officials elected through elections (members of the DPR, members of the DPD, members of the DPRD, Governors, Regents and Mayors)

b. This revocation will allow the MKRI institution to have a firm position that does not support any opportunities for the practice of political dynasties and KKN.

4. Remind the Constitutional Court to decide the results of the 2024 Presidential Election by upholding the 1945 Constitution, the Supremacy of Law, and the 8 parameters for assessing the 2024 election through democratic election law.

5. The MKRI must consider that all decisions regarding the 2024 election dispute will have an impact on the future of national and state life, for the reasons:

a. Creating a collective and historical reference that there was once a starting point for the normalization of KKN and bad political ethics.

b. It will become a new space for the political interpretation of nationalism in the future, namely if the MKRI dares to take a decision in favor of the supremacy of political ethics so that in the history of this new chapter Indonesia will dare to act firmly once morest political cronies.

c. Aborting Indonesia Emas 2045 due to the snowball effect of the loss of political integrity and the rule of law.

6. The need for new regulations to strengthen the existence of integrity for the next elections.

a. This rule binds related individuals or institutions to act according to the principle of integrity. This includes, for example, raising standards or quality requirements whether regarding individual competency and track record or regarding the administration of elections. (Z-8)

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