7 Common Breakfast Mistakes to Avoid for Successful Weight Loss

7 Common Breakfast Mistakes to Avoid for Successful Weight Loss

2024-04-22 15:38:38

Do you want to lose weight? Then you should avoid the 7 most common breakfast mistakes. Read here how you can support your weight loss success with breakfast and reach your goal in a healthy way.

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The best time for breakfast

Did you know that when you eat breakfast it can have a significant impact on your metabolism? You should eat as soon as possible following waking up to boost your metabolism and increase your energy consumption for the day. The German Association for Nutrition (DGE) recommends within the first two hours following waking up to have breakfast.

At least plan 15 minutes to eat breakfast in peace and mentally prepare for the day. The start of the day often sets the tone for the rest of the day. If you rush out of the house and rush something along the way, you probably won’t have a more relaxed experience for the rest of the day. Take your time for breakfast. Sit in peace, enjoy yours Coffee or T shirt and give yourself time for a balanced meal.

In the video: How to eat healthy in the morning

Find out if it’s worth it to exercise before breakfast:

These 7 breakfast mistakes can be harmful to your health

Don’t eat breakfast at all

Skipping breakfast is a common mistake that not only slows down your metabolism, but also Food cravings can lead to during the day.

Calorie coffee

Coffee is a popular breakfast drink, but beware of high-calorie creations. Too much Zucker, cream or syrup in the coffee increases the calorie intake. A milk-based latte macchiato already contains 130 kilocalories, which roughly equates to a slice of toast. If you Count caloriesIn order to lose weight, it is wise to also keep an eye on your coffee consumption. A good alternative is green tea: It is as invigorating as coffee, but has fewer calories than coffee with milk and proven to promote metabolism.

Smoothies full of sugar

The fruity drinks sound healthy, but are often sugar traps. A fruit smoothie can contain up to 80 grams of sugar contains, which corresponds to approx. 16 teaspoons of sugar. Avoid too much fruit juice yogurt with added sugar and lots of sweet fruit to make your smoothie calorie conscious. For a change from the sweet version, try one green alternativewhich, for example, largely consists of avocados and vegetables such as spinach and cucumber.

Too little protein

Many of us reach for ready-made muesli and white bread in the morning without realizing that these products contain mostly empty calories in the form of sugar. A breakfast included too little protein makes us feel hungry faster. Toast or cereal alone is not enough to fill you up. As a result, we tend to eat between meals and therefore gain weight. To keep glucose and insulin levels low, we need approx 20 grams of protein. Integrate Protein sources How Owner, East, Greek yogurt or nuts in the meal. How regarding a vegetable omelette and something, for example cottage cheese?

Too many carbohydrates

Excess carbohydrates cause blood sugar levels to rise and cause cravings. Too much sugar on an empty stomach can also cause Flatulence lead. Choose complex carbohydrates such as whole grain products and avoid excessively sugary alternatives such as sweet pastries, cornflakes, jams and fruit yoghurt. oatmeal is, for example, an ideal basis for homemade muesli without sugar. This whole grain product not only offers a lot of fiber and protein, but also important minerals and vitamins. Oatmeal can be used to make filling dishes such as porridge or… Overnight Oats to suit your individual taste – for example with blueberries, yogurt, linseed and others Super food.

Breakfast too late

If possible, eat breakfast within two hours of getting up. Eating breakfast too late can throw your metabolism out of balance and lead to unhealthy weight gain.

Use of finished products

Another common breakfast mistake is eating too much finished products like granola bars. These are often rich in hidden sugar, preservatives and artificial additiveswhich can affect your health.

Instead of resorting to processed options, choose fresh, unprocessed foods. Prepare your breakfast with local vegetables, high-quality proteins and healthy fats. Homemade muesli with oat flakes, nuts and fresh fruit is a healthier alternative to sugary ready-made breakfast cereals. Even a homemade smoothie with fresh ingredients provides more nutrients than industrially produced versions.

When you choose natural, unprocessed foods, you give your body the nutrients it needs nutrientspromote it saturation process and supports your long-term Health goals. You also lay the foundations for an energetic start to the day.

In the clip: How you can lose weight faster by exercising before breakfast

This is what a healthy breakfast looks like

Carbohydrates in moderate amounts provide the energy you need in the morning. However, avoid foods with a lot of sugar and fat – skip the sweetened coffee with milk and the delicious croissant. Instead, choose wholemeal bread, fresh fruit, yoghurt, low-fat food Quarks and eggs – they are very rich in nutrients. Do not drink too much fruit juice because it contains a lot of sugar and calories. It is better to eat a piece of fruit – this also provides valuable fiber. A balanced breakfast should be one Combination of proteins, healthy fats, fiber and complex carbohydrates including, for example, wholemeal bread with avocado, scrambled eggs and fresh fruit.

Many also swear by a glass of hot or soft drink before breakfast hot water to drink. This comes from Indian Life and Nutrition Science Ayurveda. The warm water starts digestion and metabolism and gets you ready for the next meal. If you can tolerate acid on an empty stomach, add a syringe to the water lemon juice added – this increases the metabolism-stimulating effect.

No-go’s for breakfast

Strongly avoid processed foods, sugary drinks and foods high in fat. These can not only hinder your weight loss success, but can also have long-term negative effects on your health.

If it’s regarding Zucker If possible, the daily limit should be between 25 and 50 grams – this is reached quite quickly. For breakfast, you should avoid toast with Nutella or jam as well as ready-made breakfast cereals and ready-made fruit yoghurts. On Bacon and sausages There are two reasons to be careful: not only are they quite fatty, which quickly adds to the calorie count, but they can also cause you to overeat DGE recommended weekly workload from 300 to a maximum of 600 grams of meat and meat products.

Breakfast: hot or cold?

The choice between a hot or cold breakfast depends on personal preference. However, hot meals have some advantages: In contrast to cold meals, a hot breakfast is easier to digest and is absorbed more quickly by the body. This rapid digestion plays a decisive role for well-being and health. Compared to cold food, which slows down the metabolism, hot dishes stimulate it. This allows you to get rid of excess kilos faster and more sustainably.

Get inspired by these breakfast recipes:

Conclusion: How do I avoid breakfast mistakes and make it healthy?

To avoid breakfast mistakes and make it healthy, keep one thing in mind balanced mixture out of proteins, healthy fats, fiber and complex carbohydrates. Eat breakfast on time to boost your metabolism and avoid excess calories from sugary coffee drinks and sugary smoothies or fruit juices. By making conscious decisions at breakfast, you lay the foundation for an energetic and healthy day.

What should you avoid for breakfast?

For breakfast, it is recommended to avoid highly processed foods and sugary foods such as sweet cereals or pastries. Also avoid high-calorie coffee drinks to keep your total intake within limits.

What two things can you not eat for breakfast?

There are no strict rules, but it is wise to avoid foods with a lot of fat and sugar. Bacon, sausages, fatty pastries and desserts that are too sweet are less suitable for starting the day with energy.

How important is a good breakfast?

A good breakfast is essential as it increases metabolism, ensures energy for the day and prevents food cravings. It helps you mentally prepare for the day and promotes a generally balanced diet.

What is healthiest in the morning?

ONE healthy breakfast should contain a balanced mix of proteins, fibre, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Oatmeal with fruit, yoghurt and nuts or wholemeal bread with avocado and eggs are good options for a nutritious start to the day.
#tips #breakfast #healthier



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