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Home > Health advice > Diabetes: the Mediterranean diet to support the kidneys written on March 21, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. Diabetes: the Mediterranean diet to support the kidneys
A new Spanish study shows that, in addition to preventing cardiovascular accidents and strengthening our immune system, the Mediterranean diet can also slow down the deterioration of the kidneys that patients with diabetes often experience.
Diabetic kidney disease is the leading cause of end-stage renal failure in industrialized countries. Fortunately, Spanish scientists from the University of Cordoba and the Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research have demonstrated thatAdopting the Mediterranean diet limits deterioration of kidney function in diabetic patients.
A type of diet that better activates detoxification processes
According to work carried out over five years on more than 500 diabetics, the mechanism by which diet can limit the deterioration of kidney functions lies in what we call ” advanced glycation products » (or AGE in English for Advanced Glycation End Products), that’s to say molecules with oxidizing power and inflammatory naturally produced by the human body or present in food (when it is rather industrialized). These EFAs are normally eliminated through the urine, but in diabetic patients with kidney problems (one of the most common complications of diabetes), this mechanism works less well and EFA levels are generally higher.
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According to the results of this study, patients who follow a Mediterranean diet (known to be rich in antioxidant fruits and vegetables) have lower blood levels of these harmful compounds. This type of diet seems better enable » the « detoxification process »that is to say the “ mechanism by which the body eliminates these harmful substances », Explain the authors of the study. Likewise, the presence of antioxidants in olive oil, typical of this diet, as well as cooking at low temperatures make it possible to reduce the intake of EFAs in the body.
Although the relationship between these compounds and kidney disease is already known, this is the first demonstration of how diet can alleviate deterioration of kidney function in diabetic patients.
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Read also Know how to preserve strong kidneys
Bibliographic references
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