Kansas Legislative Leadership: Threats, Fear, and Retaliation – A Closer Look at How Bills Become Law in Our State

2024-04-22 08:38:18

Today, let’s take a look at four statements regarding Kansas legislative leadership — and what those statements suggest regarding how bills become law in our state. Let us consider whether the way we legislate upholds the virtues of collegiality and good faith debate we expect from representative government. Let’s see what they mean as the Legislature returns for a veto-override session this Thursday.

Let us consider, in other words, whether we are make fools of of ourselves.

I’m just going to present the statements one following the other, with just a little context regarding when and where they were said. Bear with me here. You’ll see where I’m going soon enough.

Hawkins said the state needs to set priorities: Does it want Medicaid expansion or good roads and quality schools?

“Our friend Rob Olson will probably tell you that he feels very strongly that his removal as a committee chair, a movement from certain committees, was entirely the result of his vote once morest a bill last year that was supported by leadership. I will tell you, and this is from people throughout the Legislature, Topeka feels like a very punitive place right now. That if you don’t go along with the things that are pushed by leadership, that people are a bit scared, feel like they’re walking on eggshells.”

Sen. Cindy Holscher, D-Overland Park, gave her take on legislation under pressure at a March 30 forum sponsored by the Johnson County Library. Watch the entire event online.

“There is no one leader here who controls us. This is not a dictatorship. You may lose your committee chair, you may lose your committee position, but you work for the people in your district. That’s who you work for.”

This is Sen. Rob Olson, R-Olathe, speaking on a tax bill late March 14, as reported in “Kansas Senate clears flat tax plan following heated discussion,” by Kansas Reflector reporter Rachel Mipro.

House Republican leadership spokeswoman Carrie Rahfaldt did not respond to an inquiry regarding the fate of the bill and the use of veterans for political purposes.

These sentences form a dot-to-dot picture. Trace one following the other, and they reveal a disturbing picture of how Kansas generates policy and enacts law.

Instead of actually explaining his opposition to Medicaid expansion, the House speaker appears to be threatening education and road funding. If Hawkins is making such statements in public, one has to wonder what lawmakers at the Statehouse have been hearing behind closed doors.

We then hear Holscher explain that lawmakers in both chambers feel they are “walking on eggshells” due to leadership pressure. In support of her statement, we know that Olson gave a speech urging his fellow lawmakers to stand up and do what is right. Finally, a spokesperson chooses not to respond to a story revealing that a critical piece of legislation meant to help veterans is disappearing following a flat tax ignore vote flopped.

Kansas law seems to boil down to threats, fear, retaliation and stonewalling. Those granted the enormous power and responsibilities of leadership pursued ideological vendettas and apparently meted out punishments to those who stood in their way.

With a handful of exceptionsincluding Holscher and Olson, lawmakers do not make their experiences or complaints public.

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Legislative leaders are twisting arms. Anyone who writes regarding politics in any era must admit this. The legendary status of Lyndon B. Johnson, “Master of the Senate,” proves it.

Yet the traditional concept of legislative contention involves give and take. If you ask for something as a leader, you offer something in return. You recognize the different situations of your members and work to find solutions and create coalitions. At certain points a firmer hand may be required. But you can’t survive long as a quality leader if you don’t follow threats and scare tactics. If you only punish and never reward, you end up finding yourself in a dangerous political position of your own.

Now, it might not happen right away. It may take several terms to reach such a point, and then a particularly mean-spirited leader may decide to simply retire.

Whether you tell the story long or short, the State House looks broken.

Kansas lawmakers face multi-session penalties if they don’t vote a certain way on specific high-profile bills. This may include losing committee seats or having legislation drawn out of consideration. We have seen evidence of this happening. We’ve also seen evidence — like the mealy-mouthed responses from Republicans at the Johnson County forum — that lawmakers are avoiding addressing the topic.

Hawkins himself apparently felt comfortable enough in Plainville to issue a thinly veiled threat to those present. Chances can be enjoyed Medicaid expansion or education and roads, he said. You can’t have all three.

Why not? Because Hawkins won’t let you.

Kansas lawmakers may want to avoid this topic the way DC Republicans once did avoid tweets from former President Donald Trump, but they have a responsibility. Allow me to address them all directly for a moment.

Hello, Republicans. Are you looking forward to Thursday? No? Interesting.

You own the arms that are twisted. You have a role, a choice and a voice that is your own. Don’t like how you’re treated? Say something, and say it loud. There will be many journalists interested. If you don’t want to talk to us, write a post for your social media accounts. That’s how everyone learns the news these days, I hear.

Worried regarding leadership supporting someone else in your primary support? Worried regarding big money interests aim for your seat? Make plans to actually campaign over the summer. Invest in yourself and your message, for goodness sake. And if you don’t believe that some policy should be introduced? Don’t let yourself be bullied. As Olson said, you may pay a price, but you will actually be representing your constituents rather than the political power brokers.

I don’t want to limit my words to Republicans. Were Democrats to control either chamber, one has to assume they would wrangle their party members. Their retaliation may come from other directions. Just last session, our Gov. Saw Laura Kelly to reap a political prize of renegade Democratic Rep. Marvin Robinson by vetoing a line item that would benefit the Quindaro Ruins historical site.

Yet, here and now, with Kansas politics in their current form, Republican legislative leaders have most of the power to punish.

Unless their members push back, regardless of the real or imagined consequences, this will not change.

Clay Wirestone is Kansas Reflector opinion editor. Through its opinion section, Kansas Reflector works to amplify the voices of people affected by public policies or excluded from public debate. Get information, including how to submit your own comments, here.

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