A week, the peak of Mount Merapi was rocked by 1,013 earthquakes – 2024-04-22 07:42:37

Mount Merapi’s hot clouds captured by the BPPTKG camera (Doc. BPPTKG)

Yogyakarta Geological Disaster Technology Investigation and Development Center (BPPTKG) noted that during the week from Friday (12/4) to Thursday (18/4), the peak area of ​​Mount Merapi, which is on the border of Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, was shaken by 1,013 earthquakes.

Head of BPPTKG Yogyakarta, Agus Budi Santosa, Friday (19/4) explained that the most earthquakes that occurred were avalanche (RF) types which were recorded as occurring 508 times, followed by 382 multi-phase or hybrid earthquakes, 85 shallow volcanic earthquakes (VTB). ), 22 low frequency earthquakes and 16 tectonic earthquakes.

“The intensity of earthquakes this week is still quite high. BPPTKG Yogyakarta also recorded the occurrence of 875 earthquakes consisting of one hot cloud avalanche earthquake, 75 shallow volcanic earthquakes, 14 low frequency earthquakes, 425 avalanche earthquakes and 17 tectonic earthquakes in last week,” said Agus.

BPPTKG, he said, also recorded one occurrence of hot clouds falling towards the southwest or into the upstream of the Bebeng River with a maximum sliding distance of 1,000 meters. Meanwhile, lava avalanches were detected 111 times in the southwest direction with a maximum sliding distance of 1,700 meters and two avalanche sounds were heard.

Smoke with a height of up to 175 meters from the peak, which occurred on Thursday (18/4), was white in color, thin to thick in thickness and weak to high pressure.

Meanwhile, Agus explained that the southwest lava dome measured a volume of 2,054,600 cubic meters and the middle dome had a volume of 2,358,200 cubic meters. The volume of the two lava domes has relatively not changed much.

Also read: Hot clouds falling from Mount Merapi glide up to 1.5 km

During the week, he continued, the Mount Merapi area also experienced rain and was reported by the Mount Merapi Observation Post in Babadan, Magelang with a rainfall intensity of 51 millimeters per hour for 35 minutes.

“However, there were no reports of additional lava flows in the rivers that originate at the peak of Mount Merapi,” he said.

BPPTKG Yogyakarta, he added, has not changed the status of Mount Merapi and is still maintaining it at Level III or Alert.

Also read: Mount Merapi’s incandescent lava falls are still occurring

Agus Budi Santosa emphasized that if there is a significant change in activity, Mount Merapi’s activity level will immediately be reviewed.

According to him, monitoring data shows that the supply of magma is still ongoing, which can trigger hot clouds of avalanches in potential danger areas.

“We ask the public to be aware of the dangers of lava and hot avalanche clouds or APG, especially when it rains around Mount Merapi,” he said. (AU/Z–7)

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