Remote learning is expanding in Latvia, but it has side effects

A total of 11,065 students study in these institutions, which is 6% of the total number of students in general education. In recent years, their number has shown an upward trend not only in grades 7-9 of basic school and at the secondary school stage, but already in 1st grade. Concerns arise regarding the reasons for this choice and the quality of education, and not unfounded: in some schools offering this program, state exam results are an order of magnitude lower than the national average. The Ministry of Education and Science (MES) promises to develop criteria for regulating the quality of education of distance learning institutions within six months, as well as streamline terminology in this area.

The distance learning format entered the Latvian education system 15 years ago, and its “side effects” have been discussed for ten years. During this time, it has expanded significantly, especially in recent years: ten new educational institutions have arrived (most of them offer a secondary education program).

The situation is largely explained by the significant influx of students into these programs during the pandemic, Ivan Yanis Mikhailov, Deputy Director of the Quality Assurance Department of the State Education Quality Service, explained at a meeting of the Seimas Commission on Education, Culture and Science, adding that during the same time, four schools ceased their activities and this happened “including under the influence of the service.” He drew attention to the fact that different countries have different views on what can be considered distance learning. For example, in Latvia this includes combined teaching, when elements of both remote and face-to-face learning are used. Therefore, it is important to streamline the terminology.


#Remote #learning #expanding #Latvia #side #effects
2024-04-22 07:17:30



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